Newb Question - How to Upload Data?

I have DQ version 1.6. How do i upload my data to DQ Account so i can uninstall and get version 1.7 ?

Also - is level 200 the highest you can go as a wizard ? Thank you. Love this game.

Why do you need to uninstall, can’t you just update? But regardless, its the DQ Account button on the main menu. And 200 is the highest regular map level, but you can buy random Cartographer maps at the merchant and go to infinite and beyond.

How do you update ? I don’t know how to do that ?

When I click on the DQ Account button, a message comes up that states: “New version of DQ required to login”. I click OKAY and I go back to main menu. I click STORE and a screen opens with the options to Uninstall or Open (and Open just reopens DQ).

Need to go to google play and update through them. Or amazon or ios for those if you use apple. I only know google play as an android user.

Evolution or Extinction

Ryim~Rogue 99
RyimScaith~Warrior 70
Rym~Wizard 23
Riym~Rogue 58

I went to Google Play ( I have a Note 4) and when I search for DQ, a screen opens with the options to Uninstall or Open. No option to update is shown.

update your google play first…

Also if you ever installed DQ as a stand alone ask Google may not update for you. If that is the case contact dq