Newb with a lot of Questions

Hi :smile:

I started Dungeon Quest about 2 weeks ago. It´s a lot of fun and i´ve allready got my wizzard on lvl 100 (just reached the 20x lfloors)and stared a warrior, currently lvl 52. I really like the cristal and mythstone system but its also kinda confusing :smile:
During my playing time i had a lot of questions. Some i could solve with a little help of the forum and/or the search funktion. But some still remain, dunno if i was just to stupid to search with using the right keywords. Anyway i would highly appretiate any comments to my question - how stupid they may look :smile:

  1. Sometimes i have to contest an enemy without a name bar and no stats. It´s allways a “big” one - last time it was the Cartographer. It still has a health bar and i can deal dmg to it but that only very slow. Also it seems i cant leech HP from this enemy. Yesterday i invested 30 Minutes in killing one of those creeps. It ended up dying and dropping normal loot. Is this just a Bug?

  2. Can i add a “Mythword” to any Item with the required 4 sockets? Does it matter if the item is rare or legend, if it allready has affixes etc? What what be the “best” item for a mythword? Mabey the “best” isn´t really possible but i would like to get an idea what would be good for starting with some mythhwords.

  3. Is the XP system influated by a Hireling? It seems like my warrior is getting less XP if he runs with my mage hired. Possible or just Imagination? And did i get it right that the magic find/luck% of my hireling are sumed up with my “main”? Does this apply only for magic find stats or for even more?

  4. Crystal Enchanting. I´ve got the way the crystals are working but im totally insecure if i allready should start trying to create a nice craft for my mage. I farmed quite hard for crystals and would like to spend em as smart as possible :wink: What would be a good wizzard MH weapon to start with? And what do you think is the most effective way to craft? The crafting guides in the Forum seem to be outta date (most still rely on the download).

  5. Equip. I would like to run my mage with focus on ice dmg and meteor. So i would try to max my gear for + elemental ice dmg, aoe bonuses etc. Could this still work on higher floors or where did i went wrong?

Thank you very much for your time and sorry for my poor english skills :smile:

[quote=“farmer”]Hi :smile:

I started Dungeon Quest about 2 weeks ago. It´s a lot of fun and i´ve allready got my wizzard on lvl 100 (just reached the 20x lfloors)and stared a warrior, currently lvl 52. I really like the cristal and mythstone system but its also kinda confusing :smile:
During my playing time i had a lot of questions. Some i could solve with a little help of the forum and/or the search funktion. But some still remain, dunno if i was just to stupid to search with using the right keywords. Anyway i would highly appretiate any comments to my question - how stupid they may look :smile:

  1. Sometimes i have to contest an enemy without a name bar and no stats. It´s allways a “big” one - last time it was the Cartographer. It still has a health bar and i can deal dmg to it but that only very slow. Also it seems i cant leech HP from this enemy. Yesterday i invested 30 Minutes in killing one of those creeps. It ended up dying and dropping normal loot. Is this just a Bug?

Read stickies, the loot isn’t, but the enemy itself is.

  1. Can i add a “Mythword” to any Item with the required 4 sockets? Does it matter if the item is rare or legend, if it allready has affixes etc? What what be the “best” item for a mythword? Mabey the “best” isn´t really possible but i would like to get an idea what would be good for starting with some mythhwords.

You mean mythics? You need rare minimum to make them, but otherwise, not much of a difference.

  1. Is the XP system influated by a Hireling? It seems like my warrior is getting less XP if he runs with my mage hired. Possible or just Imagination? And did i get it right that the magic find/luck% of my hireling are sumed up with my “main”? Does this apply only for magic find stats or for even more?

Ha, you think like I did! XP is shared and gold find and luck are averaged. ID are also averaged, but you get a bonus 100% for having a hireling (I think)

  1. Crystal Enchanting. I´ve got the way the crystals are working but im totally insecure if i allready should start trying to create a nice craft for my mage. I farmed quite hard for crystals and would like to spend em as smart as possible :wink: What would be a good wizzard MH weapon to start with? And what do you think is the most effective way to craft? The crafting guides in the Forum seem to be outta date (most still rely on the download).

Yes, lots of the guides are out of date. Can’t say as for weapon, but save your high end crystals. Legend gear should be sufficient for a while with a few tweaks here and there.

  1. Equip. I would like to run my mage with focus on ice dmg and meteor. So i would try to max my gear for + elemental ice dmg, aoe bonuses etc. Could this still work on higher floors or where did i went wrong?

I’ve heard that past floor 700 or so, your build is basically glasscannon and damage and evasion should be focused on. Not an expert on theorycrafting.

Thank you very much for your time and sorry for my poor english skills :smile:

Comments in bold.