Hello everybody!
I just started to play recently and i love it. Hard work grinding offline game neverending, sign me up.
After searching on forum and also playing i made a plan to play.
In my opinion ascending is most important on a character and since that only requires exp , i only focus on that for now.
As far as i understood exp is capped per monster at 100 ish , so m3 100 will give same exp as m3 1864 level, so i just spam maps around here on mithic 3 with pack size mostly and rare epic enemies.
I made it so that i have 200 bonus exp from my gears bonus and mythic stone bonus. So that is done
I saw a mythic item on amulet called adventure. Now can some1 tell me if my fina goal is to finish all ascendings for perks , so basically leveling for now, wouls that really make a huge difference? If it would be so good, can tell me best item to use it on? I mean maybe make nadroji , strip off all beside nadroji and set numbers, and then add mithical adventure? I gathered quite a few crystals
I saw it gives exp as gold collected so seling items and with dealer perk won t help me.
Collecting gold i get around 200k i think per map cleared here at 100 ish floors.
Is it really worth to invest in an adventure mithic ? For 200k exp more per map , i don t think so, but i wish to see other opinions agrumented.
I am already at 2 nd almost 3rd perk.
Got fortunate and dealer already.
Next will be the shrine buffs to sinergy with my hunter ring and next eternal and crystal legend drop, followed by feats reduced , but i think i ll have lvl 99 hero points till then , and last hunter because , why waste a grinding perk when can make an easy ring
So if my logic is not faulted , just need perk 4 maximum 5. And now i am at almost 3.
So is it worth to make and if make adventure amulet, i want it to make it good. Tell me the way please.
Thank you
Or any improvements at all? I have 2 eternal ascended bonus
2 eterna adventure bonus
2 nadroji jewelries
I only added exp stones and crushing blow to kill enemies faster
As affixes i could only change on nadroji one affix and chose dodge
Again i just want to level up. Faster the better
I play rogues with boomergan . I gather monster use mirror and use the skill of boomerangs and all almost die instantly at 100 ish mithic 3
I cant put more than 1 photo, because i am new …