No drops from 3rd class

Currently i’m running warrior as main character and rogue as hirling. The problem is all the items droped belong to warrior and rogue only, none of them are wizard items. is it normal or it’s a bug?

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It’s normal. You will occasionally drop wizard items if your rogue hireling dies during gameplay, but otherwise, if you’re looking for wizard items, use wizard as your hireling … or obviously as your main.

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when you run a solo character, most Items will be that characters class with some Items from the other 2 classes.

when you look in the Shop, Items sold will be for the Main Character.

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It’s been a while since i asked about drops from wizard class … And they gave me these. Just wondering if you guys have in mind any good build around these two pets?

the Rage would be great for a Wizard Fire Summoner build and the Simba for a Wizard Farming Build or build that needs lots of MP with Fire and/or Poison Element.

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