about the merlin its kinds hard to fsrm it not due to the updates but in old days you csn farm it at 500-600floor
Lolz i was hiking on floor 800 while boring and then lolz i didn’t ID yet it still in my bag ;p. Guess it’s element lolz
luck for you congrats mate
thank you ;p .
Wow lol lvl 1 Genesis haha. Great.
one of my 13 pet farm at floor 2 so it was only a level1 pet tho some pet still not open
What difficulty are you playing?
m3 max difficulty sir
My first eternal luckyaffix pet. I hope i can use this in Arena.
Looks cool.
nice pet good for tanker type
Another luckyday . Say " hi " to my Simba.
I can tell by that pet that you spam floor 2
Man I must be really lucky to get this many pets in a farming session or two (killing 6 enslavers in a row without monster boost two times at high floors) . I was searching for the damn cognition rings and aether wraps but this happens!
well, damn lucky! haha