Please help me

Dear GM it is possible that my character will be restored even i did not download it in DQ,? Because my phone has been reset and when i install again this game my old character did not go back into my level 87. Please help me to restore my prev. chrcter

OMG admin please notice this one iykwim…

It is possible to restore my character?

1st, you should post any “Help me” related issues in here:

2nd, your title all written in CAPSLOCK is very annoying…

3rd, your title is very long… GAH…

Last, you did not downloaded your character in DQ is that correct? Does that mean you have uploaded your character?

Oh yhea the last i downloaded of my character is level 44

I really did not expect this to happen ;(
When in th frsttime i knew that uploading a character is important i should have to download ny last charcter lvl before i reset my phone :frowning:

There may be some way a small chance to retrieve it…

But it looks like you are going back to level 44, sorry…

Swapped title with text…

Just follow the steps as Stradmore described.


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