Preciso de ajuda, sou novato, classe mago

Bom galera começo dizendo que não consegui upar meus prints mas sou bem noob mesmo!
Meus status de aventureiro ta
Lucky drop itens 360%
Gold find 490%
Lucky 95%
Tenho 500 pó usando a opção salvage nos itens legend…
Estou juntando pra comprar eternal sword fortune se n me engano é o nome… Vale a pena? Consigo fazer de 150-300k de ouro por sala, cada piso faço mais grana…
Meu dano ta em 120k skhull drag e 500k com skull shield
Jogo no modo dificuldade legend… Estou tentando ficar um pouco mais forte pra ir pro mityc3!

Status ta 88 em power 7 HP e 7 MP sou lv88 estou no piso 143…
Queria dicas de melhorar meu farm principalmente pra pedras míticas! E uma pergunta na liga eterna ganha algum tipo de Asa? Estou no ranck mítico arena 19
Sou um player free então tudo que der pra conseguir com esforço pra deixar meu personagem um pouco mais bonito eu vou atrás hihi vlw

i can’t understand!!!

Roughly translated (google):
Good people start saying that I could not shoot my prints but I’m good noob even!
My status as adventurer ta
Lucky drop items 360%
Gold find 490%
Lucky 95%
I have 500 powder using the salvage option on the legend …
I’m joining to buy eternal sword fortune if I’m not mistaken is the name … Worth it? I can make 150-300k gold per room, each floor makes more money …
My damage ta in 120k skhull drag and 500k with skull shield
I play in difficulty mode legend … I’m trying to get a little stronger to go to mityc3!

Status ta 88 on power 7 HP and 7 MP I’m lv88 I’m on floor 143 …
I wanted tips on improving my farm mainly for mythical stones! And a question in the eternal league wins some kind of Wing? I’m in the mythical ranck arena 19
I’m a free player so everything I can do with effort to make my character a little more beautiful I go back hihi vlw


Noob needing help improving my Wizard. (loose translation)

Good people start saying that I could not shoot my prints but I’m good noob even!
My status as adventurer ta
Lucky drop items 360%
Gold find 490%
Lucky 95%
I have 500 powder using the salvage option on the legend …
I’m joining to buy eternal sword fortune if I’m not mistaken is the name … Worth it? I can make 150-300k gold per room, each floor makes more money …
My damage ta in 120k skhull drag and 500k with skull shield
I play in difficulty mode legend … I’m trying to get a little stronger to go to mityc3!

Status ta 88 on power 7 HP and 7 MP I’m lv88 I’m on floor 143 …
I wanted tips on improving my farm mainly for mythical stones! And a question in the eternal league wins some kind of Wing? I’m in the mythical ranck arena 19
I’m a free player so everything I can do with effort to make my character a little more beautiful I go back hihi vlw

the Maximum value for Luck and Gold Find is +650%.

the different Difficulty Levels, except for Very Easy, give a bonus to Luck and Gold Find. Mythic 3 with +300% Gold Find and Luck on your Equipment will give you +650%.

putting 20 Hero Points in the Fortune Skill will give you +50% in Luck, Gold Find, and Item Drop Rate.

there are 2 Item Natures, Luck and Greed, that increase your Luck and Gold Find +25% for each item they are on.

there are some Legend items you can find that have Luck, Gold Find, Item Drop, and the Fortune Skill on them. one of them is a Wizard Sword called Steigers Fortune. if you don’t like using a Sword, there are Chest, Head, Ring, and Amulet items that have these affixes to help you with farming.

when you get to level 99, you have to make a choice. you can continue to farm for Crystals, Myth Stones, Gold, and items, or you can try to get Perks. Perks improve your ability to Farm for treasure. there are 6 of them, but the ones that help the most are Dealer (sell item you find for 10 times their worth), Fortunate (+200% Luck and Gold Find, so you can get your Maximum value to +850%), and Accomplished (lowers requirements for finishing Feats by 25%, rounded up, so you get rewards from Feats faster). choosing a Perk sends you back to level 1. you don’t lose your items, but you can’t use them until you get to a level at lest half of the level of your Equipment. you don’t have to get all Perks, but getting all 6 helps you a lot with Farming for treasure. the hard part is that you need 2x experience to get the second Perk, and 3x experience for the third Perk. this is called Ascending for Perks, and Equipment with +200% Experience Bonus can help you get Perks faster. monsters stop improving the experience you get from killing them at floor 100, so going to floors over 200 only slows you down for getting Perks.

getting Dust (Powder) can help you get items that you need if you can’t find them fighting monsters, but making Dust can use up a lot of Gold. but if you really need an item, using Dust can help you a lot.


Thanks @tdaniel

HA! I just did the same thing Golem did…but I didn’t do as good of a job of explaining it.


@tdaniel after I got the translation, I started the explanation part of my reply, and that was when you posted your translation. I had just started the last paragraph when your post popped up.

great minds think alike! :nerd_face: :man_scientist:

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Golem is the translation master. :sunglasses:

:blush: @dickwad no no! I just do what @tdaniel does, cut & paste while using so anyone can be a translation master! :sunglasses: x 10.

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Lol :heart_eyes:

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