Just a suggestion for devs. In the PVP arena, I think you need to limit the rounds, for example, limit it to 30 rounds. because there are many cases where by the 20th round no one has won.
for example when immortal build vs immortal build. or rogue flintlock vs rogue flintlock.
I have a record of 23 wins and 0 losses. but it finally broke when I met rogue flintlock vs rogue flintlock. I reached round 28 but no one had won because we were both camping. I will die if I go forward. In the end I forfeited because it took too long.
Damage increases for each round that is a draw. So unless you have Sanctuary + Cerebral Vortex or outrange the opponent, it’s better to try to end it quickly.
how can I end it quickly if I can’t even move forward. I’m talking about rogue flintlock vs rogue flintlock. if i use wiz battlemage or warrior, of course i can. but I use rogue. if I go near it I will definitely die even when I have sanctuary.
I always try for the win, even if it’s 3 losses in a row. losses just mean I have to make improvements on my PVP Build. and yes, I know I can’t win all battles, but winning more than half of them is a good thing.
on the other hand, I prefer the Campaign side of DQ… my plans now for PVP now that I have the Demonic Aura is to make a 1v1 & 2v2 PVP Chest Farm Build.
Justru disitu tantangannya
Dulu jamannya immortal build,gak cukup 30 round buat saling bunuh
Sekarang immortal build dah gak worth it sebab Alchemy kena nerf
actually, Alchemy didn’t get nerfed, the real change was that MP Absorb does not work with Alchemy.
in the early days of DQ, Bloodmagic was really strong in PVP with MP Absorb. to balance BM in PVP, it was changed to not work with MP Absorb. Patch 3.0 increased the damage from BM by 150% (from 80% of your missing HP% to 200%)
not only that, there are other ways to make rounds last a long time, just not with Bloodmagic or Alchemy with MP Absorb.
In cases like this just silence and kill them before they kill you, but it is tricky to beat them when they have the bot not move. I use Timewarp so it’s easier, I draw a bunch of times if needed then easily one shot, there’s always a winner, if you’re drawn, then YOU loose lol it’s simple.