Question about HP

My stats show that my HP is 39k with 250 Stat points in health…so is that just my base? How do I know what my current EHP is? I know my health is not at 39k cuz I tank 20 hits of 6k dmg…so whats going on?

Can I have a screenshot of your stats[emoji57]

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RoyalFairy , Rogue Level 99

Ummmm no…I told you all u needed too know…now someone explain this too me plz…

If you answer like that to someone who wants to help you, but who needs some additional info to do so, chances are nobody is going to help you…

Having said that, without a screenshot i cant explain you very much, because the details you gave us are insufficient

[quote=“wuce brillis”]If you answer like that to someone who wants to help you, but who needs some additional info to do so, chances are nobody is going to help you…

Having said that, without a screenshot i cant explain you very much, because the details you gave us are insufficient[/quote]



[quote=“Diieter”][quote=“wuce brillis”]If you answer like that to someone who wants to help you, but who needs some additional info to do so, chances are nobody is going to help you…

Having said that, without a screenshot i cant explain you very much, because the details you gave us are insufficient[/quote]


[emoji57] [emoji57]

Sent from my GT-S5301 using Tapatalk
RoyalFairy , Rogue level 99

I am only trying to figure out how to know my current ehp…where do I find this number?

It’s a mathematic formula which takes several parameters in account, like “hp, resistance, armor, etc”

Short answer: Go to the rankings tab in your stats and it displays EHP.

Yea I saw it under ranking…but doesnt that only show your best at that given time? If so they need a way to show us our ehp.

For me at least it has always seemed to change when I change equipment, so I assumed it was an on-the-fly calculation… If you can take off or put on gear with a substantial effect on survivability, check if it changes?

Yes this worked…weird how they did that though…one more nadroji and ill be at 500k hp!!! :smiley:

Nice one, even if for now having that much HP is not really useful as monsters don’t deal more than 100k damage :laughing:


Ill post my build…when its finished…I can tank it all so far on episode 4 floor 207…

[quote=“DJKingDavid”]HP > DMG

Ill post my build…when its finished…I can tank it all so far on episode 4 floor 207…[/quote]

Without dmg you won’t go anywhere past 200 :laughing:

Also, with a “no-tanky” and “pure DMG” build you’re supposed to climb at least floor 400 ep8 (what I did with a wizard)

i have decent dmg…i do randomly 500k dmg per second spawning al lot of storms and dropping meteors…so yeah…im good

Well if that’s enough to you great, but I would recommand you to get more dmg, you’re gonna have a lot of troubles later (especially past 500) :laughing:

I got it now xD long time stuck on f415 ep8
-Really need to update my wizard stuff-

Ha…but yall getting one shotted…not me…and my dps is broken cuz I proc all elements…like torrent, storm, meteor, etc…so my dmg is crazy

Don’t wanna brag but I’m hitting at :
~100x5m / autoattack (without Deadly Strike)
~200/300x5m / autoattack (with Deadly Strike)

That’s what I call “crazy dmg” :laughing: But yeah I’m “a bit” weak indeed, I’m starting to have troubles at floor 500 (dying some times if i’m playing brainless mode :unamused: )