Question about Nadroji

Just got the ring today . But i don’t really get an All skills affix,How does it really work?
ps.I’ve already read from Dictionary topic ,still don’t get.

CMIIW, but AFAIK it has something to do with talent on gear (in this case, ring).
e.g. your nadroji has +20 assault talent, and the affix is +4 zealous +4 bulwark and also +2allskills, it means that, in this ring you got:
+22 assault
+6 zealous
+6 bulwark


[quote=“ichsanization”]CMIIW, but AFAIK it has something to do with talent on gear (in this case, ring).
e.g. your nadroji has +20 assault talent, and the affix is +4 zealous +4 bulwark and also +2allskills, it means that, in this ring you got:
+22 assault
+6 zealous
+6 bulwark

Nah … still don get it
in the description it says “increase skill power modifier on gear”
so what’s skill power modifier?

umm, maybe +4 flurry or +4 smash or something like that?

Sorry ichsanization but you’re a bit wrong here!

Skills : On weapons (mainhand skills, mainhand specials, offhand skills, offhand specials)
Ex : > Twister, whirlwind, ricochet
Talents : On gears (help, chest, ring, amulet)
Ex : > Prismatic, wrath, mirror

He asked for “all skills” (even if Nadroji provides also “all talents”)!

Skills and Talents have 40 “levels”, each level it gives more power to the skill, per exemple :

“twister lvl 1 : 5% dmg”
“twister lvl 10 : 50% dmg”
“twister lvl 40 : 200% dmg”

Also, each skill (or talent) are splited into 2 types :

  • 20 levels from equipments (weapons and stuffs)
  • 20 levels from “heroics skills” (1.7 feature, i’m explaining this here so the topic won’t be outdated after 1.7)
    But for now (1.6) you’ve only 20 levels, the ones from gears.

So the nardoji has 3 effects :

  • allskills 4 : Increase each skills (whatever the skills) to 4 lvl
  • alltalents 4 (same)
  • allsets : Increase each set affixes (green) to 2 lvl, per exemple : bloodmagic, permafrost, electrified, etc

[quote=“Diieter”]Also, each skill (or talent) are splited into 2 types :

  • 20 levels from equipments (weapons and stuffs)
  • 20 levels from “heroics skills” (1.7 feature, i’m explaining this here so the topic won’t be outdated after 1.7)
    But for now (1.6) you’ve only 20 levels, the ones from gears.

I’m so interested in this issue.
is total 40 level talents on 1.7 gonna be the same as 20 level talents in 1.6 (e.g. : in 1.6 +1 Barrier = 1.5% Mana. in 1.7 gonna be +1 Barrier = 0.75% Mana) ?

Because I’ve heard and experienced so much of nerfs. and TBH, I don’t think I can’t take more nerfs in the future.


[quote=“ichsanization”][quote=“Diieter”]Also, each skill (or talent) are splited into 2 types :

  • 20 levels from equipments (weapons and stuffs)
  • 20 levels from “heroics skills” (1.7 feature, i’m explaining this here so the topic won’t be outdated after 1.7)
    But for now (1.6) you’ve only 20 levels, the ones from gears.

I’m so interested in this issue.
is total 40 level talents on 1.7 gonna be the same as 20 level talents in 1.6 (e.g. : in 1.6 +1 Barrier = 1.5% Mana. in 1.7 gonna be +1 Barrier = 0.75% Mana) ?

Because I’ve heard and experienced so much of nerfs. and TBH, I don’t think I can’t take more nerfs in the future.


TBH I didn’t even pay attention but in a global way you’re much stronger at 1.7 than 1.6 :unamused:
Really :unamused:

I like how it sounds that about heroic skills [emoji102]

[quote=“Diieter”]Sorry ichsanization but you’re a bit wrong here!

Skills : On weapons (mainhand skills, mainhand specials, offhand skills, offhand specials)
Ex : > Twister, whirlwind, ricochet
Talents : On gears (help, chest, ring, amulet)
Ex : > Prismatic, wrath, mirror

He asked for “all skills” (even if Nadroji provides also “all talents”)!

Skills and Talents have 40 “levels”, each level it gives more power to the skill, per exemple :

“twister lvl 1 : 5% dmg”
“twister lvl 10 : 50% dmg”
“twister lvl 40 : 200% dmg”

Also, each skill (or talent) are splited into 2 types :

  • 20 levels from equipments (weapons and stuffs)
  • 20 levels from “heroics skills” (1.7 feature, i’m explaining this here so the topic won’t be outdated after 1.7)
    But for now (1.6) you’ve only 20 levels, the ones from gears.

So the nardoji has 3 effects :

  • allskills 4 : Increase each skills (whatever the skills) to 4 lvl
  • alltalents 4 (same)
  • allsets : Increase each set affixes (green) to 2 lvl, per exemple : bloodmagic, permafrost, electrified, etc[/quote]
    But if i don’t have any skill mod on my gear (such as +x level flurry on my chest) does it still increase my skill level?

Yes, it’ll still apply to the base skills of the weapons you are using (but not to o-skills from sets like Spell Sword and not to special skills changed by crystal, I don’t think).

[quote=“winyedd”][quote=“Diieter”]Sorry ichsanization but you’re a bit wrong here!

Skills : On weapons (mainhand skills, mainhand specials, offhand skills, offhand specials)
Ex : > Twister, whirlwind, ricochet
Talents : On gears (help, chest, ring, amulet)
Ex : > Prismatic, wrath, mirror

He asked for “all skills” (even if Nadroji provides also “all talents”)!

Skills and Talents have 40 “levels”, each level it gives more power to the skill, per exemple :

“twister lvl 1 : 5% dmg”
“twister lvl 10 : 50% dmg”
“twister lvl 40 : 200% dmg”

Also, each skill (or talent) are splited into 2 types :

  • 20 levels from equipments (weapons and stuffs)
  • 20 levels from “heroics skills” (1.7 feature, i’m explaining this here so the topic won’t be outdated after 1.7)
    But for now (1.6) you’ve only 20 levels, the ones from gears.

So the nardoji has 3 effects :

  • allskills 4 : Increase each skills (whatever the skills) to 4 lvl
  • alltalents 4 (same)
  • allsets : Increase each set affixes (green) to 2 lvl, per exemple : bloodmagic, permafrost, electrified, etc[/quote]
    But if i don’t have any skill mod on my gear (such as +x level flurry on my chest) does it still increase my skill level?[/quote]

As you’ve skills and specials on your mainhand and offhands, you’ve these skills already at lvl 1, so if you’ve +4allskills, your skills are at 5 minimum

I wound up removing the +2 skills from my ring and necklace and swapping out. At least for my rogue, I don’t use any +skills on my gear (nor would I based on current mechanics), so the ring/necklace was ‘wasting’ two slots with the +2 skills on each.

Anyone else remove +2 skills out of curiosity or was I taking crazy pills?

[quote=“Vis”]I wound up removing the +2 skills from my ring and necklace and swapping out. At least for my rogue, I don’t use any +skills on my gear (nor would I based on current mechanics), so the ring/necklace was ‘wasting’ two slots with the +2 skills on each.

Anyone else remove +2 skills out of curiosity or was I taking crazy pills?[/quote]

You are “taking crazy pills” as you say! You just removed one of the “most wanted” affix so far :laughing:

For now, +1 skills = +5% dmg to your skill, so with 2 mythstones at +4allskills, you’re already at +40% dmg to every single skills :unamused:
And with the 1.7 patch coming out, +allskills are even more interesting :confused: so I think you should try to get them back, or at least the mythstones Elixer #20 (+allskills on MH/OH) :unamused:

Thanks for your thoughts. Ah I assumed it only gave +2 skills only to skills u had + on gear. Either way +crit % and dmg were more valuable, about same dmg as +skills and crits = stuns for rogue and deadly strikes. I don’t have any uber crystal stats yet, so max both crits and a high dodge take a lot of slots! :frowning:

I have a dupe of one of them (hoping skills was uber and more useful to me later), just need to find one more!

I can’t use my nadrojis yet cause I don’t have a high enough mythstone yet worthy enough for it… stuck with a wrath with 4 to champion.

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