Rage on Rage

Nice drop just wish I could change the element -_-

Ha, nice wordplay.

I’d say count your blessings. Fire Resist aside, only a select few get a roll as useful as yours. Fire isn’t half bad. Blistering and immolate make quick work of critters.

[quote=“ocenyx”]Ha, nice wordplay.

I’d say count your blessings. Fire Resist aside, only a select few get a roll as useful as yours. Fire isn’t half bad. Blistering and immolate make quick work of critters.[/quote]

Probably be good with unity ring

Unity affix is a waste of a mythic slot, IMO. That slot may go to Hunter or Effective affix for best results

I just use a separate ring with hunter affix and gear swap at shrines. Don’t like wasting an affix on something that doesn’t compute to EHP or DPS.

I’ve also read that Effective is currently bugged.

[quote=“dnix”]I just use a separate ring with hunter affix and gear swap at shrines. Don’t like wasting an affix on something that doesn’t compute to EHP or DPS.

I’ve also read that Effective is currently bugged.[/quote]

I do the same, but when my resources become as overflowing as our hardcore players in the forum, I’ll dedicate a hunter ring with good affixes for farming efficiency.

Effective affix is bugged on some specific monsters on immune maps. In all other cases it helps tremendously with DPS. Personally I don’t mind during the time that I used it.

Trying to get a Rage ally. What level/difficulty did yours drop?


I’m not 100% what difficulty or floor, but I know it was sub 200. Pretty sure it dropped before I was even level 99. Legend pets are a really rare drop. I’ve had two drop, this one, and scout. I haven’t even done enslaver feat yet. I’ve gotten pretty lucky with it. Just keep farming, killing enslavers, you’ll get a legend pet eventually, no guarantees on Rage though.

Getting a legend pet is completely random. The only thing that affects it is LUCK. Best bet to get one is on a Legen or Eternal map.

Not even an hour after my last post, Storm dropped for me. Now I have a legend pet for each type of pet, haha. My Rage definitely has the best affixes though. Maybe when I finally get enslaver feat, I’ll get another good roll!