Received wrong item on the item shop

Hi im mew on DQ. I really enjoy this game. So i wanted to buy a few items in the shop. On the glow category i selected the Spiritmancer sigil but i received the Angelic sigil. It says i purchased the angelic sigil and the spiritmancer is unavaible to equip. It only proposes me to buy it again but i get a message saying i already own this item… Something is wrong eh?

WTF?! Lol

Never wanted this angelic sigil. I want the spiritmancer one but i cant get it. I need help


We are sorry this issue has happened, we have a fix for it on our end and it will be in our next update. I can quickly refund your order, just shoot me an email to, give me your google email address or order number and I will get it resolved right away.

Sorry again for the issue, thank you for playing Dungeon Quest and for your support!