Reporting <-> Perfect Pet Probability <-> Cheater Probability

Thanks for this post. I’ve been hoping for this point to be remembered though the forums. It’s like when Mr Scooty made a post about the probability of such a perfect pet in terms of drops. Both posts prove the point :slight_smile: .

Dang. That’s an extreme amount of time and no human could even game in that lifetime, even with Biological Immortality medicine because they would get bored too easy and even without Immortality, it’s easy to get bored of hunting pets eventually let alone playing DQ itself.

That amount of hours is like 3755.7077626 years or 3 Millenias . That’s the odds. I can’t even imagine RNG luck with that amount of odds, even with 5 Million players. And that’s without the set affix being determined. I’d have thought millions of years.