[Reports Only] Report Cheaters & Hackers

Edited bow. Please check.thanks

but what the hell does this guy? I won it 7 times in a row and not broken his victories sequence on the contrary increased, and has more he is not losing points, but gaining even with the losses, got a streak of 42 victories and that it only him I defeated seven times and he rather than decrease your points got more. check he surely you doing exploit.
if somebody else noticed this I ask you to help report.

sorry for my bad english

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Finding Cheaters & Hackers Discussion

What is going on in the arena! even in 2v2 this guy came out of no where. using glinting slicer
all eternal items doesnt sound right.

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Pleade fix this, thanks

A post was merged into an existing topic: Finding Cheaters & Hackers Discussion

Obvious hacking troll so obvious it not even funny anymore. This guy is the most stupid guy I ever met in my life. Can’t imagine an irl girl doing this (no sexism intended) .

You won’t see Losses that their AI has, only losses that they earn while they are playing their characters.

Eternal Acsension in 2 days = (
Pets look suspicious too.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Finding Cheaters & Hackers Discussion

Please check this player

photo dq7.jpg

He has 164.7k HP
photo dq5.jpg

Also this one

photo DQ1.jpg

Modified wand.

First one: green set affix on blue pet.
Second one: ascendents rod isn’t a ring.

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Finding Cheaters & Hackers Discussion

Can you please check if this account is Legit or not Based on what i see he got billion gold please make a review about this account.

Instead of checking ??? @refia can you also check his account he got same gold all the way and that 2147 gold.
Ign : Sokett
Char : neoteen and you_end

Can you check his account with his gold 2147

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this image is faked or is it a bug I’m legal
that ring do not have it on any side
the only one who you think is one that has my barbar

i am ASA