Retrying for eternal pets

Ive been retrying this quest with eternal pet drop since september 2020 like a few times in a week and here are screenshots of pets ive picked up and discarded of course.

Happy new year guys

Edit: im using 988% eternal map when repeating this quest over and over and sometimes i get 2 eternal pet in a row because i also put 149/150 the legendary enslaver




well, if you used the same map to get all of these Eternal Pets, it looks like a Programing Loophole that needs to be fixed by @tdaniel or one of the other Dev’s.

there was a Loophole that allowed Players to exploit Obsidian Crystals that was fixed in Patch 3.0. it wasn’t a Hack, but it also wasn’t what the Developers intended for the game.

Eternal Pets are very rare because they are so powerful.


Hmm was high asf when doing this post i think, it wasnt explained well, im doing the 149/150 enslaver pet that will drop a sure 100% legendary pet or eternal pet and the 7/8 slay mythic enslaver to get a 100% eternal pet.

And im using a 988% luck eternal map.

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umm, I guess I might have read it wrong with it being written wrong. I understand using the Eternal Map when you have the Feats ready to drop the Mythic Pet, but the Pet is automatically Eternal, with the Eternal Map giving a better chance for other Legend Pets to be Eternal also.

the way I read your post is that you got 34ish Eternal Pets in 3 months using a +988% Luck Eternal Map for all of them, by only playing a few times a week, by repeating the Feat over & over the few times you played.

even using a 1 hour Monster Boost and going straight for the Enslaver only in each Map, it would still take some time to get that many Eternal Pets. it is possible do get them in a short time, after your thumbs fell off :face_with_head_bandage::+1:, which is why I wrote me post the way I did.

umm, also, if you are showing all the Eternal Pets you have found since you have started playing, and the end of your post is only about a few Eternal Pets that you found since September, then I apologize for my misunderstanding.


Ye. I just redownload the data if im not doing anything.
Just repeating the enslavers quest again and again hoping for something useful. And if the pets affixes are ugly, i just redownload again later. Im practically doing nothing other than playing pc games all this time since lockdowns and im jobless too lmao, which is sad asf.

And sad part of this are these slimes drops are too high and annoying. They get some of the best affixes combo too, devs intended for sure, but fck man.


so many Slimes, so much time… and although I didn’t read all of the affixes, I did notice that there are some really good Pets for some Builds!


I hate slimes thou, curses!

Heres a short vid of me doing these quest


Give me the slimes :wink:


cool, are you using Explosive affix with Crushing Flames & Skullshield? nice combo if you are.


Yeah, pretty much high dps skullshield(40) with explosive for aoe and cf for clearing.

Im just waiting for my dream eternal pet affix to come soon. Rngeezus will be granting my wishes lol.
No slimes drop please lmao.


can u use larimar or diamond for eternal pets?

how to farm eternal maps?

@moosedeer if you just redownload then ur w8ting 3hrs to reset?

What Floor best for good rarerity pets?

any tips for pet hunting?

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-nope xD
-you need high luck, go for max luck as much as possible.
-yep i wait three hours then if the pet i got are ugly, i redownload again.
-go hunt on lower maps, i hunt arouns 200 below with max luck.
-get luck stats as high as you can, or buy monster spawn in store using real money or ads, get a fast clearing build with high luck gears for maximum effeciency.

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if I remember, only Calcite can be used on Eternal Pets.

I save my Legend Maps, then use them when it is time for getting the next Legend Map from the Map Feat or Cartographer Feat. although I keep forgetting to check when it is time for the next Feat, I am hoping to get the next Eternal Map, then use the Eternal Map for the next Feat & hopefully end up with a lot of Eternal Maps. best to do this with your Farming Build, since it should have +850% to +1012% Luck.

the Redownload is an exploit that was fixed by the Dev’s in Patch 3.0, by making Players wait 3 hours to play again. remember, if you are waiting 3 hours, you aren’t playing DQ. if you are buying a 1 hour (or 2 or more hours) Monster Boost, and rushing the Enslaver every map, this is lots better than having to wait 3 hours, at least you are getting Loot while working on getting an Eternal Pet. you can do this without the Monster Boost, but then you don’t get Enslavers on every Map. on the other hand, redownloading 8x a day, every day, until you get the perfect Eternal Pet :sleeping: :zzz: .

this post shows a Build for Farming Eternal Pets, which increases the chances of any Legend Pet to drop as an Eternal Pet.