Rogue build help~

Hey guys, it’s my first time posting here and I just wanna share my build if it’s okay or if there is something that I should change or modify it to be better. I don’t have any hireling and I’m on floor 1638 and I just want to ask if there is a better build without a hireling especially in killing legend and mythic enemies since I’m having a hard time killing them specifically mythic spawned enemies. Any suggestions would be much appreciated~😃

take the +5000 WD+ off of the Bow, Ignore Resist off of the Ring, +5000 Fire DMG off of the Pet and replace them with two Epic +75% Crit DMG, and one Epic +30% Weaken.


Coat Proc is giving you some Crit Chance Spikes for Crit Damage, and having +150% Crit DMG with the base +50% Crit DMG is +200% Crit DMG or 3x DMG on a Critical Hit instead of the 1.5x you are doing now. the +10% Deadly Strike goes from doing 3x Crit DMG to 6x Crit DMG for 10% of your Critical Hits.

Ignore Resist cancels Weaken & Effective. since you have Crystal +90% Weaken, adding +30% Weaken means you do +120% Weaken Damage on every hit instead of 90% chance to do +90% Weaken DMG.

this is optional, but if you want to try it to see how it works, change the +20% Fire on the Pet to +10 Twister so that your Twister Proc does +50% DMG, has more AoE, 4.4 Attacks Frequency (22 hits for the total duration of Twister from 20), and lowers Twister Cooldown by 10%.

if you are using Pathfinder Set for the Damage Reduction, the higher the floor, the better the chances are that the monsters can 1 hit kill you. might be better to replace them with two Epic Deception +10 to go from +30% chance to +60% chance for enemies to miss you while Mirror Images are summoned. if they can’t hit you, they can’t kill you. if your Dodge is at +60%, enemies would have a 16% chance to hit you while Mirror Images are summoned.

hope this helps.

Welcome to DQ Forums @LouieGel

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Thank you so much~ I’ve been wondering for a long time if my weaken and ignore resist cancels out each other but I’ve still been seeing weaken at some of my attacks even though I have ignore resist😅

I’ve seen that too. that just means Weaken happened, but it still gets cancelled by Ignore Resist.

another is when I see Effective when I have Ignore Resist. it’s kind of frustrating knowing I don’t get that extra damage, lol.

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