
For some reason whenever I try to use scattershot it just says low MP. Am I missing something. Level 99, but didn’t put any points into mana.

click link… topic already discussed…

Discussed, but never answered.

Yes it costs way more mp now. Around 20x mainhand mp use.

Still don’t know if this was intended or bugged.

Evolution or Extinction

Ryim~Rogue 99
RyimScaith~Warrior 70
Rym~Wizard 23
Riym~Rogue 58

Ok, just isolated the problem.

Not a problem with Scattershot, as suspected.

Changed out my offhand and the cost reduced. Suprisingly, the culprit was Supercell. Nothing on it sugests mp usage increase.

Could any other Rogue verify this?

If using massive amounts of mp for Scattershot, are you using Supercell? And if you chang out your oh does the mp usage return to a normal amount?

Evolution or Extinction

Ryim~Rogue 99
RyimScaith~Warrior 70
Rym~Wizard 23
Riym~Rogue 58

i tested it on 3 classes low lvl and all special MH skills use mp from OH so i think its a bug

That would make sense. My Supercell mp use is 1025. Though that would still be 7 or 8 times the mp for Scattershot.

Evolution or Extinction

Ryim~Rogue 99
RyimScaith~Warrior 70
Rym~Wizard 23
Riym~Rogue 58