Screen Record installed into the game... Good thing

Tomo- iOS usually put submitted apps through some “rigorous” testing mostly tryng to find exploits etc. the only time Google inspects apps is of you label te app for “works on Google tv” or someone reports it. Out side of that Google doesn’t manually check submitted apks.

So what if the Twitch thing was a free IAP that people had to “buy”? This way they’d only use extra space if they had it available and wanted it. Alternatively you could release a second verson of the game with the sole difference being Twitch. Just some ideas…

Since Twitch TV was bought out by Google, I’m sure they have some kind of plan for it, who knows in the future all games in the play store might have to be twich compatible ?
Looking at things as they stand, I think twitch has had its peak, yes it is still going strong with gaming channels, but for someone to host a channel of them playing a solo phone/tablet dungeon crawler has a very short shelf life :frowning:

The only viable twitch channel that could work is if Shiny Box made one, showcasing upcoming patches, works in progress, interviews with dev team, and a day in the life of … Kinds of things.

If anyone wants to put them self out there playing DQ, YouTube is already available :wink:

Working on it… :smile: also Amazon bought twitch and I hope they do some awesome kindle integration (like Nvidia did with the shield)