Secondary weapon attack

How can I switch to the secondary attack on my weapon? I cannot figure it out for the life of me… I click on the item view screen and hit the arrow and it shows the next option all I can do is close it and it doesn’t stay set

just keep playing… pretty soon you’ll come across some ambers and that will change it it gives you an option of about 3 specials to choose from it can also change offhand specials too

The secondary attack isn’t available until you reach level 10(I think). Same with the secondary attacks for your offhand weapon (level 20?).

Sorry if my memory is off about the exact level needed to unlock. Been a while since i played those levels…and I’m too lazy to search and look up the answer:mrgreen:

Evolution or Extinction

Ryim~Rogue 99
RyimScaith~Warrior 79
Rym~Wizard 29
Riym~Rogue 58

Yup…lvl 10 for secondary Main weapon skill, level 20 for secondary off hand skill

haha I didn’t understand the question at all… sorry about that