Skill affix

Is the +10 skill affix the max you can get? Isn’t there any +15 or +20?

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You can get +20 single skills with some specific eternal legendaries.

Only +10 all skills with mythic stone on your weapons .

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Oh thats bad. Since you cant use quartz on eternal items, right?

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Eternal items are far too limited due to inability to craft.
However, Eternals are also very intriguing since you could get lucky and end up with a piece that has all the right affixes and perfectly rolled stats.

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If your build only uses one Skill to do all your damage, you put 20 Hero Points into the Skill and two +10 Skill on the Build to get the +40 Skill Points.

If you find an Eternal Item that has a +20 Skill you need, and all of the other affixes work with your Build, you can go that way.

If your Build will use 2 or more Skills, or a lot of Proc affixes, you could use the two +5 All Skills (affects all weapon skills used, including Procs) and any +10 Skills as needed.

there are also many builds that only have their Weapon Skills at +20 to save space for other affixes.

here’s a post showing the few Crystals that can be used on Eternal Items.

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