

[quote](Color: Arcane Pink)

Unlike their percentile counterpart (mythstones), spellstones are very rare artifacts which grant raw stats to equipment, lootable from enemies or purchasable from the gamble vendor from floors 201 and above, as a means of celebrating the end game. These spellstones, like mythstones, requires socketed equipment, either by using Zircon to gain slots or by having slots upon acquisition.[/quote]


Lv10 – Paragon (Weapon, Armor, Jewelry +5000 HP)
Lv20 – Shepherd (Weapon, Armor, Jewelry +5000 MP)
Lv30 – Sloth (Weapon, Armor, Jewelry +0.1s Sloth Strike******)
Lv40 – ???
Lv50 – ???
Lv60 – ???
Lv70 – ???
Lv80 – Chrono (Weapon, Armor, Jewelry +1s Cooldown Reduction*)
Lv90 – Oblivion (Weapon +500 Spirit Break**, Armor + 1000 Mana Layer***, Jewelry +1000 Mana Layer***)
Lv100 – Desolation (Weapon +5000 Armor Break****, Armor +10000 Health Layer*****, Jewelry +10000 Health Layer*****)

*Cooldown reduction – Grants flat cooldown reduction in seconds, with a maximum of 75% of the original cooldown time, e.g. Mirror Image (5s cooldown), with 4 socketed Chronoes on equipment (+4s cooldown reduction) will have a total 3.75s cooldown reduction instead.
**Spirit Break – All attacks reduce enemy resists by 500. Does not stack. Can make enemy resists become lower than 0.
***Mana Layer – All skill costs reduced by 1000 MP. If skill mana cost is lower than 1000, respective skill will restore mana instead.
****Armor Break – All attacks reduce enemy armor by 5000. Does not stack. Can make enemy armor become lower than 0.
*****Armor Layer – All damage received gets reduced by 10000 before being inflicted.
******Sloth Strike – Applies a 1s attack duration penalty to opponents on hit for (duration) seconds. Debuff duration stacks on succeeding hits, penalty does not (constant 1s). Elite enemies receive a lesser penalty.
??? – Some sort of flat player bonus/enemy penalty. Not cooked up yet. [/quote]

These are merely examples and I do not exactly want these to be implemented word for word, but all examples focus on raw stats… you guys get the idea. I really hope this gets added to the game.


Firstly, Thanks for your suggestion, some ideas are goods!
However with the incoming 1.9 you can see that a ton and a ton of affixes already exist, I would like to see new features instead of new affixes, but thta’s my own opinion :unamused:


[quote=“Diieter”]Firstly, Thanks for your suggestion, some ideas are goods!
However with the incoming 1.9 you can see that a ton and a ton of affixes already exist, I would like to see new features instead of new affixes, but thta’s my own opinion :unamused:



1.9 sounds really exciting from what I’ve heard from you guys! I haven’t been spoiled of its new content yet, but with the drastic amount of changes and additions from 1.7 to 1.8 (especially most of the legends) I think the development is headed in the right direction :smiley:

The idea of spellstones was to add a little bit of control to affixes the same way as mythstones do, but with raw amounts instead of percentages. I’m not sure as I’m no developer but I think it won’t be as tedious compared to full fledged features… just saying :smile:

Well, every patch are bringing a lot of features! (Except 1.8.1 which is a transition between 1.8 and 1.9)

Actually w’re testing “something” at 1.9 right now, but it’s far away from the features incoming to 1.9, can’t tell more (and it’s exciting to tease you :unamused: ) but for now 1.9 will bring 2 huge features, and both will be epics, seriously :unamused:

Can’t tell more :unamused: Feel the tease :unamused:

Too teasing! Sad face [PENSIVE FACE]

Diieter is the best when it comes to teasing, :laughing: