Stash Bug, unable to access all 4 stashes.‏

Hi SteigerBox, I noticed the below before it happened.

I bought all stashes for awhile now.

  1. Both character bags(All four) and stashes(All four) were full.
  2. -The “Sort” Tab on my hireling’s bag started to act all weird, when you tap on it, no sorting happened.
    -Moved from bag 4 to bag 3, sorting worked.
    -Clicked on item that I wanted to sell, but item shows up as the item in place before the “sort”
    -Exit the bag menu back to game.
    -Went back to bag menu.
    -Items all reverted back initial position before the sort.
  3. I went into my stash and moved an item.
  4. Stashes locked up again.

This happened twice and the above symptoms happened before the lock up.

Ok, I will unlock this for you again. Can you upload your current data and them PM me your DQ Account email address?

tdaniel, I was explaining what caused this to SteigerBox.

I have yet to download the new file. I think everything should be alright now, I’ll only get to try it after I get back home. Than ks again!

Ok… Downloaded and all my stashes are unlocked.
Went into game, picked up an item and tap on “Sort” inside my bag.
My items did not sort out, instead all my stashes are locked up again.

I do have the same problem before i bought the stash all of it i upload and download my dq the stash are locked again i bought it again and upload and download again its locked i bought it for the third time and didnt try to upload and dload my account im afraid it could be happen again is this a bug? Can u fix it?

Sent from my ONE TOUCH 4033E using Tapatalk

[quote=“warriorkit”]I do have the same problem before i bought the stash all of it i upload and download my dq the stash are locked again i bought it again and upload and download again its locked i bought it for the third time and didnt try to upload and dload my account im afraid it could be happen again is this a bug? Can u fix it?

Sent from my ONE TOUCH 4033E using Tapatalk[/quote]

Items inside the “locked up” stashes were randomly disappearing too. I just noticed a pet disappeared in Stash 2, in my previous game which was overwritten, 2 legend weapons in Stash 1 just disappeared…

Gah! I just redownloaded my saved file thinking it would solve the disappeared items but the pet is still gone… :neutral_face:

Got you unlocked again catnipples, we’re looking into why it’s happening w/ sort and will hopefully have a fix for this next patch. Thanks for helping up find this!

Yes! Thank you. I’ll reinstall the game and see if it help solves the problem.

I also have encountered this issue. I unlocked two stashes, and then when I tried to sync my account (upload to servers), both got locked again. I re-unlocked one, and later tried to sync again, and now they’re all locked. Note that my server-side save is way out-of-date. I cannot upload my current save slots to the server.

I have also seen a weird bug with the latest release when all 4 bags are full. Attempting to “sort” items ends up duplicating some items, and when switching bags, things seem to reorder themselves back to where they originally were. I’ve gotten paranoid now and keep one bag at least partially empty at all times.

[quote=“terp”]I also have encountered this issue. I unlocked two stashes, and then when I tried to sync my account (upload to servers), both got locked again. I re-unlocked one, and later tried to sync again, and now they’re all locked. Note that my server-side save is way out-of-date. I cannot upload my current save slots to the server.

I have also seen a weird bug with the latest release when all 4 bags are full. Attempting to “sort” items ends up duplicating some items, and when switching bags, things seem to reorder themselves back to where they originally were. I’ve gotten paranoid now and keep one bag at least partially empty at all times.[/quote]

That’s why I got duplicated items… I was figuring out why the drops gave the exact same stats.