Tank warrior

did the test against the poor Test Dummy…

the Healing from Bloodbath Talent does affect Masochism on Warrior. but the Warrior has to cause an enemy to Bleed. I tested the Warrior as the Main & Hireling while having my Rogue Bleed the Dummy’s, and the Warrior’s Bloodbath didn’t Heal.

I did some tests with my Wizard for the ‘Can Reflect Damage Cause Bleed?’ I need to do a few more tests, as I have some more ideas as to why it may or may not work. I might also do some tests with Rogue and see if there is a difference using an affix vs. using a Talent.

Maybe it doesnt work cause he is not the one who causes enemy to bleed or there is another reason. Well good luck on it i hope you figure it out