The Question Thread

Eu queria saber o quão útil é o affix DMG TO ELITE ? (PVP)

Para um Barrage full dano - seria útil EPIPHANY ?

E qual o melhor mythics para o peito ? e qual peito usar ?

E qual o mythics usar no anel ? e qual anel ?

Eficaz ajuda em arena? (PVP)



well, there is the +50% Crit Damage that isn’t included in the Crit Damage Cap, but is counted as extra damage when you get a Crit. but then, the +10% Crit Chance you start with is counted as part of the Cap. my Rogue is almost level 99, so I will do some testing and share what I find. the thing is, my Rogues Crit’s are +20% and +75%, so the Blinkstrike boosts from Skill Points should show up. lots of testing in the near future. and writers cramp as I keep track of damage generated from testing to see if damage changes when I add Hero Points and Epic affixes.

@DQNemo Damage to Elites is not used much in Battle Arena, as there are better ways to increase your damage. if Dmg to Elites is what you have, use it until you find better ways to do damage. for question 3 and 4, if you are using another persons build, use what they use, if you are making your own build, do a lot of testing. for question 5, I just did a search, and Effective Mythic doesn’t work, or isn’t very useful in PVP. I think it is because Players don’t have a specific Element they are weak against like monsters are. for example, monsters on a Fire map are weak against Ice Element.

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bônus de epiphany é valido em PVP ou é inútil ?

Alguma dica sobre algum peitoral ?

Epiphany raises the Cap for affixes in the Arena. so it can be useful. but affixes and affix caps are lower in the Arena, so you should have 2 or 3 affixes going over Cap to make Epiphany useful. because the benefit of using Epiphany is smaller in PVP than in PVE, you might have to put more effort in making an Epiphany Build do well in the Arena.
I haven’t really thought about using a particular chest item, because I am still testing my builds to find one that I like. you should do a search on PVP Builds and see what other players used, to get an idea of what chest item would be good for your PVP build. there are many different builds in the Arena. some players use the same items, but there are many items that are good to use. that is why when you look at other players build, you will see that they use many different items. it all depends on how you want to fight.

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Me refiro ao bônus de 70% total DMG


Oct '17

Epiphany bonus requires 28% attack speed to activate in the arena for 20% more damage.

Haunting bonus requires 16% clearcast to activate 40% more damage.

Please remember bonuses will only show activated on your main character. They will not show activated on a hireling in PvP.



Creio que usarei, kkkkkk

difícil saber como colocar clearcast* hahahaha

Just a question about stun chance: Does it stack from things like fustigate, berserker and the charge talent? Being that, can i get 100% stun chamce or will i be limited to +75% (with epiphany)

Clearcast: you can not roll it with Ruby, so you have to find it on Legend Items or use Myth Stones. the Legend version also has 100% cool down on it. and it has a 60% cap I believe. can anyone verify if I have 25% Legend Clearcast and 25% Myth Stone Clearcast, do I still have the 100% cool down? this is another thing I want to know and haven’t tested yet. I am so busy (lazy)!

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Sera que vale a pena ?

Clearcast gives 25% chance to cast your Spells for free. since you need 2 of them to get the Haunting Bonus to work, if they are Legend, then 50% cast Spells for free and have them instant cool down at the same time. with 2 Myth Stones, you can put them on any item, but you don’t get the instant cool down, and you get +100% damage. this takes up 3 spaces either way and no real penalty. if you used 2 Glasscannon, that would also give you +100% damage with 100% reduction in HP, so the penalty would be having 1 HP to have +100% damage, and this only takes up 2 spaces. if you did both of these, then you would have +200% damage, 1 HP, and 50% chance to cast spells for free, and it all takes up 5 spaces.


Dont forget berzerker and push the limit do the same thing but with different effects.
Also the effectiveness of glass cannon reduces for the second one, for example:
1 glass cannon, 5000 damage: 7500
2 glass cannon, 5000 damage: 10000
1 glass cannon, 1 push the limit, 5000 damage: 11500

By not using the same affix you gain a 12.5% boost to damage for free.


it looks like they are treated as separate skills or Sets, for example, for damage purposes. so if I had limited space, then I would go for 1 each. if I build around having 2 of each, even better. but I was tweaking items I am using at the moment, so no PtL, because can’t roll it with Ruby. wait, wouldn’t 1 of each equal 15,000 together? the 7,500 from GC + the 7,500 from PtL would be 15,000, versus 2 of the same would be 10,000 with either one? 11,500 isn’t as good as 15,000, and doesn’t seem like that is the way damage is figured in DQ.
hmm, ok, I took a look at Mid’s Damage Guide 2.5, and you are right, except 1 GC + 1 PtL = 11,250. in the end, I would probably try a 2 Glasscannon, 1 Barbarian, and however many Push the Limit I could fit into the build (yes, I am greedy like this), as long as I could handle the Resource restrictions placed on me with PtL and Barbarian. @TeaCup thanks for the reminder and sharing of great information.

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isso seria full damage !

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doing research on Blood Magic. in Patch 3.0, it says Blood Magic does 200% of missing HP damage. is that Flat HP or HP%? if I had 50k HP and it was lowered to 25k HP, would my next attack be 2 x 25k = +50k DMG or 2 x 50% = +100% DMG? before Patch 3.0, in the Codex Dictionary, Blood Magic does 80% of missing HP% in damage, so this is a big change.

I have a build in mind, and I would need a good amount of HP to make it work one way, and not as much to make it work the other way. thanks for help.

Edit: I found this post looking for something else, so I guess I found my own answer? Blood Magic does 200% of missing HP%. so if HP is at 50%, I would be doing +100% DMG until my HP% changed?

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I found another question.

as I was looking at some Rogue Skills and Legend items, I noticed that Stealth Skill doubles Dodge while activated. if I have Pathfinder Set (reduce damage received and increase damage done by +12.5% of Dodge per Rank) when Stealth doubles Dodge and I have +60% Dodge, does that mean that my Dodge is +120% and Pathfinder reduce/increase damage by the +120% or only the +60% Dodge?

Pathfinder (5) with Dodge +60% gives +37.5% reduced and increased damage. if Pathfinder works with the Stealth increased Dodge of +120%, that would give reduced and increased damage of +75% with Pathfinder.

this would be nice considering that Stealth reduces damage 50% while it is active.

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is this thread still active? if so, how can i reset my perks? i have ascended my rogue 2 times i think (red border) and i’d like to change my perks if possible.

You can’t reset perks.

is there a way to add more tho?

Yes. Asend more

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