The Question Thread

Yes, sir.

I was wondering if this Eternal is worth using or does it cancel out the benefits.

If you want to become the glassest cannoner, then use it. Just stack dodge.

For me, this will be a very good Gun.
Combined with Stealth build?? :smile_cat:

How do you make green affix from (1) to (5)?
1 equipment = 1 green affix right? But i always saw builds with 6 equips with (5) instead of (1)

refer to this topic >> (6) Affix

bro . you need to put +2 set number in your ring and amulet . that rare legend item is nadroji . but we have mythstone to have that set number ,. and that is elixer . you need to put in your jewelry

I have a question:
1: Why is it that when i use offhand procs, it’s element is the same as mh weapon instead of offhand weapon.

Let me explain. Think of me having a gauntlet having poison element and an orb having say fire element. Even if I use offhand proc, it uses poison element instead of the offhand element which I find strange. It is strange because I cast oh weapon with a different element yet the procs are treated like mainhand specials in a way.

It is a bummer because I like the idea of casting fire torrent procs while having shock as mainhand specials if I wanted a two element build. Is it intended or a bug really?

I know with ascendant, the procs cast as any different element usually.

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  1. depends on where the proc skill gets the dmg. if it’s mh, it get the mh elem, same goes with oh based skills like traps. this is just based purely on experience while crafting a ton of proc sets.

Hey all, two fast questions.

1-. Can anyone tell me if my hireling’s Luck, Item Drop, and Gold Find %'s stack with my main characters when we fight a floor together?

2-. Regarding Multi Attack and Extra Attack, if I have both of these affixes on my rogue’s pistol, do they both function properly? I’m trying to wrap my head around this, cause three bullets come out of the gun, so if both affixes do stack how does it work? And, what happen if my offhand weapon also has the extra attack affix on top of the two on my MH?


My question is why does the offhand procs such as torrent have the same element as a mainhand weapon even though my offhand element is different to my mainhand element. It has always puzzled me as to why it happens because I cast the special skill of offhand and it is the same element as the offhand.

If i had a fire mh and a shock oh, when clicking an orb which is oh, it uses shock element whilst the twister comes as fire element. What i don’t get is why every proc casts the same as the mainhand element, in this case fire.
I would have expected shock torrents that auto proc if the proc is offhand and torrent is offhand and if i had twister proc, it would proc with fire element.

However with trickster, the mirror inages will appear as different element, in this case shock since offhand is shock but the mirror image proc (from ruby) will show a fire mirror image as if it is mainhand proc because it’s fire even though mirror image is offhand special skill.

If I could have torrents procs that were shock (when the offhand is at shock element) and meteor proc as fire element (since mainhand is fire element), it would be an awesome sight to see shocking waves of torrent while having firey metekrs drop down as procs, without needing to click the actual special skill.

Mayhem builds could be be beastly with this if that was possible but it sadly isn’t at the moment.

i see. i clearly understand now. i don’t know. i haven’t experienced it with torrent procs but i experienced my torrents getting the mh element instead of the oh element and just figured out that may torrents get their damage based on mh not oh.

Hi all

I picked this game up about a week ago, i paid the 99 cents to get rid of adverts but nothing more so far.
I started with a wizard, then at level 30 ish decided to level a warrior companion.

I am now on floor 40 (wizard level 48, and warrior level 38) and have a few quick questions.

  1. Should i just plow through the floors asap on easy difficulty? does the difficulty make any difference to drops? i currently have it on legend difficulty, i can do mythic 3 fine, it just takes a lot longer per floor and im unsure if its worth it

  2. Should i be able to transfer my progress from my phone to my tablet or synch on both?

  3. When does the difficulty increase? right now i dont actually take any damage at all regardless of difficulty level and just stand there and spam attacks


Yeah, same with mine. Ive been asking on the forums about Proc DMG and I explained the same scenario that you have stated, that is why I asked about its base damage calculation since it gets element from MH. @Griffin012 told me that it is calculated normally whether its an OH or MH proc skill. Its just too inconsistent for me because any proc skill follows the MH’s element. Funny though if the OH proc skill is your active skill in your offhand the OH proc will follow now the OH’s element. Just a comment here, interested in this topic :bust_in_silhouette:

Just saw this thread! Hello now I am at floor 200 and I have some questions:

  1. What are good affixes to look for on gear (whirlwind warrior)
  2. Should I farm mythical 3 on floor 200 or/and farm maps that are floor 200+?
  3. Is it good to have some sockets on items for mythstones or can the affixes on higher items be better than mythstones?
  4. After pulling multiple mobs does the game get a little bit laggy for you guys? Just started happening to me floor 200 mythic 3
    5.Anything else I should know about?
  5. Should I be doing maps on very easy to start with? Atm I’ve been doing mythic 1, is there a big change in the item drops??

Just tried floor 200 on mythic 3 and went through it quite fast other than ignis. He has a lot of hp


Hi !! :smile:

  1. I would suggest affixes like ED of the corresponding element, WD , and the elemental critical , crushing blow, deadly strike and the likes

  2. preferably on the difficulty that you are confident on. If you can kill with no problem at mythic 3 go ahead, most of the legends like [vacuus, mutiny , and defiant] drops at mythic 3 floor 195+ or so …

  3. well some affixes can be better than putting a socket for a mythstone, the only thing i find viable is by putting the %hp on hit mythstone on my main warrior for tanking purposes @_@ when he’s hitting mobs and mobbing them lol

  4. Well it depends on the device, but for me it does sometimes lag , usually when i’m dealing with %packsize maps XD

  5. hmmm

  6. well item drops, luck and gold find depends on your gear and the difficulty level :o just try the difficulty level that you are at ease with :smiley:

for the older members of the forum, correct my facts if they are wrong :slight_smile:

cheers to everyone! and happy farming to all! :smile:

Elders I need some assistance:

  1. Resistance Cap? Is there such a thing?
  2. Scalp isn’t effect by Attack speed correct? Only Reduce CD?

Thanks in Advance,

No cap


That helps, now just 3 more questions:

  1. My crit rating is capped at 60%, why?
  2. Are runewords ever used as bis items? Or will sets/teal(mythical/eternal) always be better?
  3. What is ED? And is WD whirlwind?
  1. crit chance is capped at 60% while crit damage at 350 , also deadly strike is 60%
  2. runewords? @_@ bis item? :o sorry not familiar with those terms. But if you’re asking if the affixes is always better than mythical, well it really depends on your build and how you fixate your build the way you want it [ i don’t know if i answered it correctly haha]
  3. ED means Elemental Damage :slight_smile: whilst WD is Weapon Damage

Cheers! :smiley: