The Question Thread

Not at all Sir !!
Got no androji (what is really annoying me but i can live without it after all) but got the same day (thaks to RNG mysteries) 2 defiant sets : one gauntlet mutiny (sorry it was not a defiant ring but a maelstrom ring :innocent: ) and one skull (insolence).

You are correct in a sense that you need a bombard weapon to activate bombard but for me, bombard activates regardless if I use MH or OH because I use shatter all of the time. This means it should apply to vanish as well and even if it only applies to OH, I use OH all the time which is shatter skill. Iā€™m sure vanish can activate on MH when you spam comet as well as spamming OH skills. I also slam comet to activate stealth proc if I cant reach the enemy. I.e: A rogue is shooting icey arrows that freeze constantly so I camp until stealth proc activates and then i rush to the enemy with the 2 seconds I have before I get shot down immediately.

To increase my chances for sucess, when I reach the enemy, procs activate such as meteor, twister (I might replace with torrent), storm, coat weapon proc and bombard as well as vanishes blind chance and stealth activation. To increase dmg, I have sureshot to ensure a easy crit chance, coat to increase crit and elemental crit to 100%, bomabrd and procs, sanctuary for survical security and energy to spam comet to activate stealth if enemys unreachable.

My build hasnā€™t finished yet but it already deals a billion dmg in poison dmg after the millions of dmg from bombard, procs, shatter, coat, sureshot and i have yet to get vanish and storm proc to my build as well as replace twister to torrent for more dmg.

I think my build will probs deal unlimited dmg if I use plagued and druidic with ED dmg and pack of enemies on harder maps. The blight dmg or toxic dmg happens right after procs activate as after dmg so it deals lots of dmg after so much dmg has already taken place. Igmore resist is a huge factor in this too. I will tell my builds purpose more clearly once i finished build. My build is yet to be built to farm huge moneys as well as reach eternal league on multiplayer. I build my build for both pve and pvp. Aftermath is meant to speed around the maps to defeat more enemies and with 2+ all sets maxed out, I can have aftermath with plagued, druidic, cosmic power and possibly other sets. I did get equality from amethyst because I couldnā€™t find any other affixes but I might change it to druidic. I wanted to change for adventurer but its useless in pvp.

Hey do I need to keep critc chance crystal affix or remove it for blight 100%. I get 100% critc from sureshot then coat randomly activates as well. I do want to increase blight to 200% for both multiplayer and single player since coat proc plays a big role in this. My procs will do a huge deal of damage i the first place anyway. Critc dmg to max also plays huge role. Answer my question to tell me whether its right decision or not. I will test it out to see if I need critc chance crystal affix or not. Maybe no because from other builds Iā€™ve seen like green garden, they didnā€™t have crit chance. My form of crit chance is coat and sureshot. I will test for myself ofc just to decide which is better. I want to deal huge after damage as well as huge proc dmg. Stealth doubles dmg so I think it doubles every damage process and possibly elemntal critc too.

greengarden have crit chance

Does the Hunter ring work if the hireling is wearing it?

What is the difference between a torrent and a twister?

Does Proc affixes also follow the cooldown of the spells before having a chance of activating again or it will activate on attack regardless of the cooldown?

It does not work if your hireling is wearing it.

Torrent gives 3 tornado like things that doesnā€™t move.
Twister moves sideways but has a taunt like effect.

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Please explain what taunt does, I read the description but didnā€™t really understand.

What is the difference between earthshatter and terrashaper?

Thank you for your help.

Regardless of cooldown. But proc chance is attack per second.

But for storn.

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Taunt pulls enemies within range.

earthshatter is a special skill of warrior.
Terrashaper is a set that has a chance on attack and on hit to proc earthshatter

Iā€™m playing rogue and I have a cataclysm ring that has earthshatter and a legend pet that has terrashaper. How do those two things mesh?

And Iā€™m bummed about the Hunter ring only working on main toon, canā€™t see myself giving up my cataclysm ring anytime soon.

terrashaper activates earthshatter when you get hit or when you attack.
earthshatter proc on your ring activates only when you attack.

@100kee @Emman Thanks for your help answering my questions. I have just one more for now.

Inferno, what does it mean that it increases the enemy DoT speed?

As I understand the Damage over time goes faster.

Example Fire DMG over 2 sec.
If speed is faster then it would be faster than 2 sec.

Is it possible to have a legend +2 multi attack in pvp? I thought on legend the most was a +2 which then scales to a +1.

Also, Iā€™m confused about BM, I thought all mp was gone and everything is based on hp. But I keep getting a low mp warning in pvp when I have a half full hp bar. Please help me understand what Iā€™m doing wrong so I can fix it.

Elemental critical-this is freeziing, toxic, shock, immolate and orbit. It does NOT include blight, blistering etc or +ice dmg +fire dmg etc. It only includes the first items I listed, correct? So if I donā€™t have any of those 5 affixes an elemental crit affix is wasted.


Anyone have any feedback for me on BM and the elemental crit?

So, speeded up it might only last for 1.25 seconds for example?

i will tell what i know for inferno at rank 5 as player usually only use set affix at rank 5 for each.
So for inferno at rank 5:
ā€¢ Increase 50% fire damage, Increase DoT speed by 50% when attack with fire element for 4sec.

Skip that first ability to boost fire damage. For second ability it only work when u attack with Fire based element weapon. As u know fire damage DoT is per sec, So when u attack with fire element, For 4 sec your DoT damage will be per 0.5Sec. I dont know for this effect trigger for each 4sec on same monster or it will always renew the effect if do continuous attack.

So the DoT dmg I do to a monster will process twice as many times as normal because it is per .5 sec?

yep. 2 DoT tick in 1 sec.

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Should I be asking these questions elsewhere? Still learning my way around both the game and the forums. Iā€™ve searched for the answers but didnā€™t find them. Any help is appreciated.