The Question Thread

Epiphany is drop only. You can get it with wizard at floor 600+ at at least epic difficulty.

@Dust wow, 600+ lol, I’m barely even at 300

It slows enemy projectiles and boosts the damage of yours.

How does move speed work? It says in dictionary 50% cap on gear and 50% cap on sets/talents/skills.

When I try sprint though , shouldn’t it already cap 1 area of move speed. I’m not really sure why sprint has the hero point to give me 20% move speed at 20 as well.

On my build, I have 40% move speed on gear and get 50% move speed from sprint. It means 90% move speed right? That is close to 100% limit from momentum. That means I get increase all dmg by 45% right? This is on wizard.

This is correct.

Only the Movement Speed Affix is capped at 50%. MS in general has a cap of 200% (you have a default MS of 100%) how you reach that 200% cap (moving 2x as fast as normal) does not matter. You can have 50% from Skills and 50% from the Movement Speed Affix or 100% from Skills. Momentum only counts the MS that is above the 100% mark. If you are Slowed, then you basically lose all of Momentum’s bonus.

Oh I see where the confusion is at then. No wonder why hachimon has alot of move speed from skills, talents and hero points. This always puzzled me but now I know. Thanks @Clogon . The dictionary should update where it talks about move speed. Since the move speed is 200% in general, 50% move speed on gear and 150% move speed from talents, sets and hero points. It should say overall cap is 200% ? Just an idea I thought to try and reduce confusion.

Calculation of druidic is it like:
×%ED * [(HP+MP regen) / 4000]
Or is it calulated like this :
[×%ED * (HP+MP regen)] / 4000

Instead of elemental damage (ed?) you have poison dot damage increased not ed.

Yeah … i meant posion dmg anyways xD



I think there is still some misunderstanding so I will try to explain it again:

100% = 1x MS, this is your Original MS. You can have up to 200% or 2x MS (moving twice as fast as normal). The Movement Speed Affix has a cap of +50%. If you have +50% Movement Speed Affix, your MS will be 100%+50% = 150% = 1.5x MS (you move 1.5x faster than normal). This difference in viewing how MS works compared to the Movement Speed Affix is important because of Slow and Ice. If you are Slowed, your MS is decreased and thus will be lower than 100%.

Momentum’s actual DMG boost is: Rank*(Current MS-Original MS). This is simplified to Rank*(Bonus MS) as the word Bonus implies things that are more than Original.

These 2 formula mean exactly the same thing. (AB)/C=A(B/C)


Thx for the explanation. Now it all makes sense completely.

Will resource cost cancel push the limits in glasscannon build?

How does bloodmagic and discordance would work on a build?

I think bloodmagic overrides discordance

blood magic remove mp
discordance switch skill

Was using crystals removed from upgrading maps? Like adding additional line?

I remember we were able to add lines to maps at some point.

I know we can still change with diamonds & Larimar.

Yes only diamond and larimar can be used on maps since 2.1 or 2.0

K, thanks for confirming.

Can we use larimar’s on legend maps? I’ve never tried

Havent tried either but i dont think it works because larimar says epic and normal affixes