If you have Bloodmagic Mythic And Bloodmagic Set on your gear, will you gain twice as much % damage bonus from your missing health? So increased DMG of your missing HP by 80% + 80% =160%?
I currently have about 10 enternal maps now my question is when and with what boost should i use them ? And should i prepare the enslaver quest to 99% so 1 enslaver would be enough ?
Good evening everyone, i have a quick question. I was reading the Crystal Crafting Restrictions thread and I thought of a question.
For the Class exclusive set affixes, for example Battle Mage, does the item have to be a wizard item, or can a Wizard roll the affix on a say…rogue item? Or does it have to be both, a Wizard rolling it on a wizard item…or can it be…the complete opposite where any class can roll it, but it has to be on a Wizard item?
Thank you very much for reading, and have a wonderful night!
Any class can role it but it has too be on the item for the designated class if you jasper it afterwards too a new class you keep the same affix though