The Question Thread

You cant use Sapphire to roll legend stat, so you need to use Diamond and be lucky to roll crystal+legend stat to max?

@Violetisfat yes
also the higher the item quality the higher the chance u get perfect stats

QQ, will character 1 get the timewarp bonus if character 2 casted it? TIA! :smile:


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I have a question regarding the 2.3 update. For the formula for percentage healings, letā€™s just say 1% mana per hit. Would the calculations beā€¦

base level 1 mana + (level * lvl of mana) * 50 = base mana

so like if i was max level (99) and had 299 mana, would that be like 398*50 + lvl 1 base mana?
so approximately 20k base mana, so would that 1% = 200 mana per hit?

Hi i just wanna ask if +summon damage affix applies to skullshield? Ty in advance

I just did a test, looked at the Stats page(damage page) and nope, looks like it does not increase the skull shield damage(only thing that increased was the ED%,+ED damage, talents, and heroic skill.

about AI setting is pve and pvp ai setting are diff?

if i change my ai setting on pve will it change also my ai setting on pvp? ,

How to get the slime pet? Do iI have to kill enslaver or the pet only obtained from purchase?

You can get slime pet from killing enslavers, get from purchasing (doesnā€™t purchase legend pets) and you can get slime by killing 200 enslavers (150 if you got accomplished perk).

Slimes are also alot rarer than your typical 3 pets. I only got 2 slimes but I got loads more of the other 3 pets and at least 10+ legend pets of hounds, imps and fairies.

The ability of a slime is 10% ed (of the element of a slime, for eg: if a slime is poison, it boosts 10% poison ed dmg) and slime gives 100 resist based on the element of the slime (if you had poison slime, 100 poison resist).

IIRC, changing the AI settings of the campaign character wonā€™t do the same thing to the pvp settings so each are independent AI in that respect. I think changing a campaign character to 15 yards wonā€™t change the pvp settings to the same thing and if you want to change pvp settings, you manually change them in the battle arena menu Iā€™m pretty sure.

Also even if changing AI settings on campaign changed the pvp settings, it doesnā€™t confirm it until you enter it into battle arena online. That means it doesnā€™t effect the current Ai in pvp unless u visit the arena again.

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The +Summon effects do work on it. They just donā€™t show up on the Stats page as they are applied after the summoning.

Ahh mm thatā€™s weird, because i tested it with this weapon, before was 616k damage, and after was 616k damage too.

That is weird. There might be a bug then. Iā€™ll investigate it. Thank you for bringing it up!

Regarding that, i think the marwinberna would also be a great source. But just in case I tested with different summon damage items, like changing the 69.4% to less and still same damage.

Hi guys, I have a question about mana shield, Why do I get hit 2.8x(almost 3x) more damage then when I am on hp? Was that a Mana shield mechanic or?
According to my testing in the below 4 screenshots:
Normal attack = 2.81448849730788x more damage during mana shield
Burn = 2.81517747858017x more damage during mana shield

Here are 4 screenshots
First screenshot is with mana shield, getting hit with monsterā€™s normal attack
second screenshot is without mana shield, getting hit with monsterā€™s normal attack
Third screenshot is with mana shield, getting burned by the fire frlom the normal attack
fourth screenshot is without mana shield, getting burned by the fire from the normal attack

Manashield does not have armor reductions. Does not also have element resists, unless you have the talent that gives it resist.

Question for all: does timewarp really boost projectile dmg? i thought it just adds 50% OH dmg to projectiles that passes thru. if someone can make some tests, would be great.

@kevs926 its been test many time ā€¦ i myself use dis build b4 in my rogue w/ cosmic power +time warp proc. all projectile that pas through it even cast outside is boosted.

it can even boost ur hireling projectile dmg

it doesnt seem to affect my twister

maybe cuz it isnt projectile? more like a walking whirlwind with aoe burn?

Yeah Twisters are not projectiles, projectiles are usually something that is thrown/shot.

projectiles are flying objects, thrown object ex. orb, ricochet, guidedshot, throwsword, toss, barrage, comet pierce, and etc

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