This Subforum Gets Much Love *Wild Doge Appears*

Surely some of the fans must be artistic too. No fan art?


I call this… “Bloody Terrible!” :wink:

Someone MUST be able to do better than me! :smile:

I would like to thank the thinkers that think they thunk the thoughts they theorized.


Wow. +1

What’s the stats on his O/H axe ?

+75% Chance To Fall Apart When Used (CAPPED)

I would like to thank the thinkers that think they thunk the thoughts they theorized.


+75% Chance To Fall Apart When Used (CAPPED)

I would like to thank the thinkers that think they thunk the thoughts they theorized.[/quote]

Lol nice :laughing:

I raise you the best wizard ever…


Wand and orb? :smiley:
Is the robe a new vanity?

Just the best vanity robe ever…“the robe of what the hell is that supposed to be”

Hope someone will post a new leather or should i say the best leather. More good looking than the leather on the frozen set!! :smiley:

Rogue v1337.


Daggers? Lolnoobzor! :smile:

I would like to thank the thinkers that think they thunk the thoughts they theorized.

Sweet pet, caterpillarabbit ftw :wink:

Thehe thanks for your… Feedback guys. Changes will be made… soon. :wink:

Where is the leather? :smiley:
Whooh!:shock: i see new legend daggers! Affixes please??!!

I would like to thank the thinkers that think they thunk the thoughts they theorized.


LOL at that hammer

The hammer is much heavier than the one holding it. :mrgreen:

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Rubik’s Hammered Warrior v2.0 :unamused:


Can I post my drawing here?

This drawing doesnt mean that I am boasting my drawing or anything, I just wanted to draw this as a tribute to my love for this game. :wink:

note that this drawing is a pic taken from my camera.

I dont have a desktop yet so you its not resolution-wise. Sorry…