V. is LAG

I dont understand that question…

When I say I have octa core, I really mean I have 2 sets of 4 (quad) core CPU.

One set is the main set of CPU mainly responsible for intensive stuff and the other set is for background processes and some help with intensive stuffs.

It doesn’t mean 2.1Ghz × 8 for my phone but One set is 2.1 GHz which is the main set. The other set is 1.5Ghz so total 3.6 GHz CPU phone.

The big + little core principle to make octa core.

That’s what I discovered after rooting.

My maximum GPU speed is 800 MHz of speed which is extremely fast for gameplay when I tried it before overclock. 3GB ram is too much :slight_smile: but it may become too little eventually.

Overclock = win win.

Ok first try of 3.0 patch, it was a little laggy. Second try, not laggy at all.


I you feel Laggy while playing , Use Extremely High Shadows in Option then Use Proc Build , METEOR+STORM+ORB+TIMEWARP AND ADD CYCLONE OR BOMBARD THEN TAUNT !! = FREEZE :smile: AFTER THAT THROW YOYR PHONE THEN USE JACKHAMMER AS PEN :ghost::ghost:

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the only question is and so on? because I don’t know if the grammar is corect.hehe:-)


But as you can see on the cpu-z screen shot. 8 cores×1.36 GHz or limit of 1 cpu is 1.36GHz so when 1 is full the empty or other free cpu is being uses. and so on. not all of the cpu is used because it depends on the loads. correct me if I am wrong.:smile:

of course, even if the cpu is full it can go down which is lighten the load. ups and down. light load-becomes heavy load. vice versa. heavy load- light load.

Okay I Understand now what you mean.:slight_smile:


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Yugioh! My favorite series lol. Also I once played yugioh and was one of the great Lightsworn meta players before dragon rulers were banned.
Then I quit yugioh after seeing how broken it is and the anime went to it’s downfall too. The original yugioh anime is great though and some others.


we will look into a few things on our end and see if we can add some more graphic options (for reducing the strain). Now that being said we may not be able to do much, the tools we are using on our end for DQ are restrictive and we may not have much ability to change those.


thanks for response.:slight_smile: