Ah, that might be the problem - thanks for the advice! Please could you see if this update looks good? When i made the build originally, i had quite a bit of critical damage from skill synergies that don’t seem to be there anymore (rage, for example). None of the +elemental legends existed at that time either, etc.
So following your advice, the best way to maximize out a gyroscopic build would be:
MH: Ragnarok with WW special:
Crit chance (crystal)
+100% weapon damage
+5000 weapon damage
+5000 frost damage
OH: Insolence
Faun’s gifts
Critical damage (originally deadly strike)
+100% ice damage (originally 20%)
Armor: Aether wrap
Dodge (crystal)
+100% icedamage (originally +5 talents)
+10000 HP
Head: boundlesss cap
+luck (crystal)
+elemental critical (originally +5 talents)
+5000 ice damage (originally +5 whirlwind)
Ring: (unchanged)
+resist (crystal)
+1% hp on hit
ignore resist
Adventurer (originally blood magic)
+total HP (crystal)
Energy mythic (originally +5 whirlwind)
Pet: stitch (plagued)
One major problem with this: insolence wouldn’t be able to give me sprint, since it’s an axe. On the other hand, with the double sprint proc, this shouldnt be a problem, so nevermind. I went ahead and dropped the +talents, since thats not so useful - replaced with +icedamage and +elementalcritical. One of the +WW was dropped for energy.
A bigger problem is the whole energy system - my build consists of nothing but spamming WW constantly - wouldnt this drain energy in a hurry? (If I leave it as mana though, I’m back to the problem of needing to put in a way to get back mana somehow)
What would you change the OH special to? I find torrent works pretty well if i spawn them on champions in between whirlwinding.
I have one set slot left, since I dropped blood magic. What should I use here? I put in adventurer as a placeholder since it seems fairly useful. What is better? I’d love to stick on a nadroji, but I’m not sure how well I’d survive on floor 700 without the extra set bonus? Likewise, is there anything better than rage, since the crit damage part seems bugged?
How do I deal with thorns enemies. This is the biggest problem I have right now, and this set doesnt seem to address it much. Again, the set’s goal is to let me farm for eternals (and high-level exclusive legends) on floor 700+. I already have a rogue build I use for farming crystals/crystal legends (for crafting).
Finally, the +5 whirlwind boost is nice and all, but only gets me about 30% damage and 2%speed. (the +skills are more useful since they buff sprint and torrent as well). What should I replace this with? Maybe a +5000 ice damage? (reflected in above build)
Sets: plauged, (adventurer?), rage, eternalized, momentum, faun’s gifts, defiant
Crystals: crit chance, crit damage, dodge, luck, resist all, total hp
Thanks for reading the looong update, and hope to hear back from you soon!