What am I missing

so I decided to use one of my second wizard for my son as he wanted to use it. I am building him a loadout and it is not getting the damage I want. What am I missing?

Show your dmg output ingame?
It’s a nice build tho you should have a ton of dmg :dieter:

  1. AS is capped at 60%. why do you have over 100%?
  2. Spellsword is nice but you have only 10% Dodge…
  3. Why are you using Spiritual talent?
  4. You have Rage, why are you using +200% Crit DMG?
  5. Why are you using Mythical when you have no Mythic Skills?

[quote=“Clogon”]1) AS is capped at 60%. why do you have over 100%?
2) Spellsword is nice but you have only 10% Dodge…
3) Why are you using Spiritual talent?
4) You have Rage, why are you using +200% Crit DMG?
5) Why are you using Mythical when you have no Mythic Skills?[/quote]

Thank you, this is what I needed, I will get changes made. It is great to have more experienced eyes on the build.

  1. I missed that AS is capped at 60%
  2. Mainly did it for the added damage
  3. I am not sure why I am using spiritual, great catch
  4. I don’t have many OB jewels just yet to spend on that change.
  5. They are the extra high ranking weapons I have at the moment.

[quote=“downlinx”]2. Mainly did it for the added damage
5. They are the extra high ranking weapons I have at the moment.[/quote]

If you are really really determined to squeeze more DPS you will change those affixes to something useful like +5000 Element damage. No matter how rare the affix on gear you have, if you cannot even maximize it then it’s just a dud wasting an affix space.

Ah, the arguably amazing hunter ring. Unless you are specifically doing speed runs, it is also a waste of affix space. It’s better off having +5000 Element damage instead if you want DPS but it’s too late now.

Needless to say that Mythical is a dud too.

In case you run across some gear with legendary element damage% on it, keep them all and start crafting from there. Your loadout is extremely lacking of those. You will be surprised in the increase in DPS as soon as you get your hands on those. Same goes with gear with affixes unobtainable with crystals.

[quote=“ocenyx”][quote=“downlinx”]2. Mainly did it for the added damage
5. They are the extra high ranking weapons I have at the moment.[/quote]

Ah, the arguably amazing hunter ring. Unless you are specifically doing speed runs, it is also a waste of affix space. It’s better off having +5000 Element damage instead if you want DPS but it’s too late now.

Sorry I have to disagree, hunter ring is the single most important piece of equipment, especially if the member is to follow the advice he has been given in this thread. The hunter ring will make it possible to get his hands on the resources needed to upgrade gear, and more than anything, the hunter ring adds fun to the game, and contributes massively towards feat completion.
If eeking out every last drop of DPS is important, a second ring can be crafted, and the hunter ring can be swapped in and out and used just to click on the shrine and HP/mp well.


[quote=“JesteR”]If eeking out every last drop of DPS is important, a second ring can be crafted, and the hunter ring can be swapped in and out and used just to click on the shrine and HP/mp well.


Ah, most certainly. I’m even doing this myself, having a separate hunter ring for shrines and wells plus a combat ring for the rest of the times.

The rest of the times that Hunter affix isn’t used, it’s just a dud… and the topic starter was explicitly asking about DPS, hence that reply.

Apologies for not making it clear