What's the best use of arena chests?

I have some questions about the best thing to do with arena chests. My goal is to get some gladiator pieces and I would really like to get a legendary trophy. I was wondering a few things about the best way to get these.

  1. Should I just open all my epic chests?
  2. Should I convert them to legendary chests?
  3. Should I convert them to eternal chests?
  4. Do higher leagues drop better chests or better rewards from chests?
  5. The message that shows when you load arena says “Reach Eternal League for a chance to collect them all!”, what exactly does this mean? Is it just referring to the fact that to get to eternal I’d have a million epic chests?
  6. Does switching my gear to luck gear with eternalized and crystalline affect what drops from opening the chests?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      1. Depend on your target
  1. Leveling league will unlock more piece of Gladiator set

  2. Same as 4

[quote=“zzvilzz”]1) 2) 3) Depend on your target

  1. Leveling league will unlock more piece of Gladiator set

  2. Same as 4[/quote]

I’m going for legend trophy, or any piece of gladiator

By “unlock” do you mean the chests have a chance of dropping them?

See the FAQ thread for more info on what you can unlock :smile:

Convert 400 epic chests to 1 eternal chest, hope for an eternal trophy, profit!

So… One hundred millons gold for maybe?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

[quote=“McEna”]So… One hundred millons gold for maybe?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk[/quote]

IIRC 15m