The Question Thread

No they don’t have equal chances. While I don’t have any evidence I know for sure there are legendaries not from epic+ enemies that have different chance to drop. Rage set (saw someone said that on this forum) items for example are not epic+ monsters only but they are ultra rare legendaries and with nadroji you have better chance to drop them. There are possibly more but until we have loot take we can’t say what drops more often.

Something I found intriguing

1. When I have taunt as special skill, now the provocation and taunt proc uses the oh element instead of the mh elements that most procs use.

Let me elaborate: Say if I have taunt proc such as provocation for eg but my OH special skill is idk stealth, the taunt proc is going to be the mainhands element instead of the OH elements such as being the MH fire instead of OH shock.
However, if I have my special skill OH turn into taunt, the provocation suddenly turns into the OH element IF the special skill is taunt meaning it will be shock.

This means that if I wanted torrent proc to be a different element from my mainhand, I need to amber my offhand to have that same skill as the proc in order for the proc to be different elements.

That is useful information but I wonder why it’s like that and I think it’s intended. Great for two element builds for combos if need be but takes more planning instead of the easy route of having all offhand procs use the OH elements default without trying. Loving it.

I was thinking this as well. @Clogon - would it be at all possible for someone to publish a list of legendary drop rates, and maybe have a list of Legendaries that are normal, ultra rare, and whatever other kind are out there?

I totally get what @Msiiek is saying. What do you guys think?

OH procs using MH properties is a old bug. I hope it gets fixed soon.

I’ll see if I can get a full list. Can’t make any promises though. But I already previously stated that Ultra rare legends have a 1% drop rate compared to normal legends. This is the only difference. The list includes but are not limited to:

  1. Legends from Epic+ enemies
  2. Frozen
  3. Rage
  4. Epiphany
  5. Seven Deadly Sins

Thanks :slight_smile: . If that bug about OH procs using MH properties gets fixed, life will surely be easier if anyone wanted two element ultimate build projects they wish to aim for.

I know right?

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What I did find strange is how stealth/vanish follow the oh proc uses oh element but other oh procs don’t seem to do that same rule unless I have special skill the exact same as proc or use that god awful Trickster set.

No wonder I had trouble finding epiphany items, seven deadly sins, frozen and rage items sometimes. They were just rarer items than usual and included in the ultra rare legends item.

I remember the first time I found an item with Trickster. I thought it was the single best bonus in the game I couldn’t believe I could now have multiple copies of myself shooting bullets, I even thought this is too good to be true, maybe it’s a bug! XD

Adventurer is rollable for all classes right ?

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How does Deadly Arts and Pathfinder DMG reduce work?

I tested damage taken with 30% Dodge and 30% Deadly Strike (roughly, for convenience sake) and a character sheet of 45% DMG reduced and did not see a difference in how much damage I received.

Deadly Arts: DMG taken reduced by Deadly Strike%
Pathfinder: Reduces DMG taken by 12.5% of Dodge

Damage from monsters always seem to be consistent so it was pretty easy to test, but I did not see a reduction in damage from either set. I should have seen a 30% DMG reduce from Deadly Arts and, using 2 pieces of Pathfinder, a 7.5% DMG reduction from Pathfinder (25% of 30%). Monster damage did not change at all; 2.5k per hit from the same source for all equips.

Edit: I had a control armor piece that kept my defenses at roughly 45% Total DMG reduced as well.

Hi, I’m pretty new to the game and I’ve recently come upon the Buccaneer set for the rogue and realized that it drastically increases damage incomprehensibly. This is gonna be pretty rough calculations, but I’d like to see if anyone could help to shed light on this.

Buccaneer increases Scattershot dmg by 25% (per set rank) of your gold find %, not including bonuses from other sources.

I’m lvl 83 with 20 Scattershot rank (+/- 6 if using or not using Bucc items for future reference)

200k damage per hit (DPH) Scattershot on the character sheet
All criticals were done using Coat Weapon’s 100% crit chance for standardization purposes.

Without Bucc: 200k non-crits, 600-800k crits
With Bucc: average 2m non-crits, 6m-8m crits, 14-18m deadly

First of all, this damage increase makes absolutely no sense even before attempting to modify its damage. I tried increasing gold find AND equiping up to 3 Bucc sets and the damage does not seem to change, noticeably (between 6-9m crits, it’s hard to come up with an accurate average). Considering 25% versus 75% of gold find is a pretty serious comparison, even with rough numbers it should have a noticeable increase in damage.

Attempting to change gold find by an increase of 200% (using 1 bucc for the sake of a larger gold find difference) didn’t increase damage noticeably.

One other damage test I did was changing critical damage which also ended up not changing damage whatsoever. This is probably the largest confounding test because critical damage is not ambiguous as to how it should affect damage (as opposed to some 25% of gold find, however that might be calculated).

100% with 50% critical damage provided crits of 6-9m, but increasing critical damage to 161% also provided crits of about 6-9m. I’m not exact on how crit damage is calculated but I would assume it is 2x normal damage; if we assume that critical damage modifiers add onto total critical damage calculations then it should be something like

Crit = 200% total damage
50% CD = 250% total damage
161% CD = 361% total damage

That should be a completely noticeable damage increase, yet my (keep in mind, very rough!) damage tests did not show anything different.

Ultimately, it seems damage with Scattershot using the Buccaneer set is not affected by anything other than straight up weapon damage. Changing sheet DPH between 150k to 250k changes damage from about 1.2m to 2m non-crits.


Buccaneer Scattershot damage seems to be calculated weirdly and not affected by any stat mods. Can anybody else attest to this?

First of all welcome to the forums. Now onto your questions.

You understand Crit DMG well but I think you forgot what Scattershot’s Heroic skill does. It increases Crit DMG! Not only that but just like the other effects, instead of adding, it multiplies!

Normal Crit = 200%. With ScatterShot 20 = 400%
+50% Crit DMG = 250%. With ScatterShot 20 = 500% (you said you tested this using ScatterShot 26 so this value would actually be 537%)
+161% Crit DMG = 361%. With ScatterShot 20 = 550% (cap)

Dunno about your Bucaneer test and luck test. Too many possible variables. When testing ANYTHING, make sure ceteris paribus happens. Meaning, the ONLY thing that changes between each test is the variable you are testing. Items have many stats from Elements to Natures that have multiple effects.

The fact that you keep the damage reduction shown in the stat page at 45% means that you SHOULD take the exact same damage every single time. Why would your damage be any different when your damage reduction is the same across all tests? The fact that you are adjusting your damage reduction values to keep it at 45% shows that you are affecting multiple damage variables. Again ceteris paribus is a NECESSITY!

Sorry, @Clogon, we speak English here.


What’s better for brutal in terms of crystal? Crit dmg or deadly strike?

Thank you for the reply! The critical damage calculation definitely helps to clear things up. Now the only thing that I can’t figure out is how exactly buccaneer works. When I tested the damage between 1 piece and no piece, the weapons I went between had the same damage output and modifiers (buccaneer weapon only has element dmg % and the mod on my other gun had about the same amount). It doesn’t make sense that 1 piece of the buccaneer set increases the damage by 10x but equipping other pieces doesn’t do much of anything. I admit these were rough tests, but you’d expect going from a 25% to 50% of gold find set effect (1 piece to 2 pieces) from buccaneer to double the bonus damage, whatever that might be.

It seems the Total reduced DMG Stat in the character sheet is calculated somehow by including AR, resists, dodge, and block which is why I was wondering how it functions. Pathfinder is hard for me to test because I don’t have enough to make a difference and modifying dodge changes the character sheet, but Deadly Arts does not seem to calculate into the the Total reduced DMG in the character sheet.

So the question is, how is Deadly Arts affecting DMG taken? Switching between 1 piece and no piece should in effect reduce the amount I take by a static 30% (difference of having the effect versus not). Or does Deadly Arts modify some vague DMG reduction by the given 30%? I don’t see a 30% reduction in damage by switching out the set bonus given that other defensive stats are the same.

And the character sheet of Total DMG reduced is not a reliable source to refer to because it’s some calculation of the 4 defense options, not how much damage is actually being reduced. I was just providing that information as a point of reference to compare the 30% Deadly Arts bonus against.

Edit: Deadly Arts does not seem to be working to reduce any damage. I decided to erase the effect on my chest armor for an easy replacement affix so there’s the perfect example of ceteris paribus. No damage difference.

I read in an older post that sets like Nadroji, mythical, and eternalized only work when they are on your main character not a hireling. Is this true still because the post was very old.

Yes, this is true.

Thanks, I was also wondering what’s the best use for legendary maps? I can’t decide so I just keep storing them for now. At first I saved them for the mythic spawn but realized that was dumb because he always drops an eternal.

Mythstone/Crystal boost + map.