Certain devices are having crash issues, especially on Android version 4.2.2
Sometimes items appear to be missing or swapped with other classes items. ( Please avoid pressing “Level Up” text or Challenge Pop-up, then managing inventory, for the time being )
Must Double click Main menu to proceed
Warrior sometimes seems to get stuck swinging his main weapon
Sometimes on restart, character is moving towards last direction
Always On Map doesn’t work all the time
Map Toggle not working correctly on Android
Worm sound too loud
Suffering (%chance to miss) as well as the bleed chance on hatchet throws (both primary and secondary) are not working at all.
AoE showing range not showing correct percentage
Re-rolling “+ Add Skill” Affix shouldnt change skill
Please let us know if we’ve missed anything! We are actively working towards fixing these issues, which most should be addressed in next patch. We do not have a estimate yet of when this patch will be available.
Orb doesn’t hit multiple times on Ignis, like it does on other bosses/opponents. Not sure if this is a bug, but it makes it a lot harder to kill him with Steiger’s fortune, would be nice to have the +Item drops affix on all weapons, as it’s kind of unfair to have an MF item on the Wizard when he already has heavy advantages vs warrior for grinding gear with teleport/massive damage on AOE’s (my DPS with the shrine buff is 2.53M as of right now… I’ll be getting that higher soon )
For me, it doesn’t happen often. I may clear an entire floor and not have it happen.
It doesn’t seem to be related to fighting large mobs or large groups of mobs. It can happen just fighting one or two normal mobs, or even using the main weapon to clear barrels and crates.
Sweet…Thank you for the info. On a side note we are dealing with a TON of issues on samsung devices, specifically those that have updated to the Samsung 4.2.2 update. If you could update your device to 4.3 you’re in the clear but DQ does not perform well with their 4.2.2 update we are looking into the cause/resolution but as of now we don’t have a resolution.
I think I might have an issue over here with my mage.
blood mage was supposed to change everything that is MP to be added to HP.
The blue orbs initially adds HP when I picked them up. nowadays they don’t. could be after the new patch 1.4 update.
now I have a problem killing furies.
2. If I were to “interrupt” their spawn with twister, they will keep raining down until I move from a spot. It will not happen this way if I were to use storm.
(2.) happened some of the times when I “interrupt” malum spawn or digging process.
3.they will not receive any damage, or if I am using twister, they will move along with the twister but not being damaged.
I think my skills are bugged >.<" I remember all these weren’t an issue and were working just fine.
-Split Bolts from axe enchanted with lightning doesnt do any damage and just adds enormous game lags. I do not have a screenshot but you can see it for yourself.
-Range guardian boss doesnt attack unless it sticks directly to me, its kinda annoying and missing the thrill of fighting it
[quote=“eshnider”]I am using a cloudfone ice 350e android 2.2.
-Split Bolts from axe enchanted with lightning doesnt do any damage and just adds enormous game lags. I do not have a screenshot but you can see it for yourself.
There is a bug that was also in the previous version that there is a certain chance that you skip a floor when ending a level often skipping the bosses. It’s consisant and remained after uninstalling the program a few times and using different characters. My phone is Samsung S3.
I have a warrior level 80 with lots of amazing items, and now i purchased a new slot to make a mage. After this purchase, my warrior got bugged and keeps using a wand in main hand, the offhand (a shield) is ok, all other armor is ok. Including i can’t drop any new maim hand weapon to my warrior.
What should i do? Can you fix it? Please. If you can’t returm my items, at least fix so i can drop other weapon.
Thank you.
Warrior sometimes seems to get stuck swinging his main weapon
Wizard also gets stuck using his main weapon. Same as with the warrior, have to tap the main weapon button a time or two to snap him out of it.
Sometimes on restart, character is moving towards last direction.
Always On Map doesn’t work all the time.[/quote]
As of the last patch update, I am still experiencing all of these.
Phone info:
Samsung Galaxy Note
Model GT-N7000B
Android 4.1.2
I have 2 character slots. Both had characters in them, one which was hired and the other one selected. After I deleted the hired warrior I had while he was still hired, I tried playing a game on the first slot. Much to my chagrin, a level 1 unnamed character showed up in my game wearing my previous warriors weapons and I cannot unhire it. Also, once you hire a character, you have to unhire them every time you open the game.
Was playing last night and one of my summoned spirits was sideways, and wouldnt do anything. He would follow me, but wouldnt attack. Sacrificing him got rid of him.
Another thing, if my hire dies, and i go to the main menu and rehire him, 9/10 he becomes grayed out as if hes dead. I cant open his inventory or allocate stat points for him until he dies and i can revive him. Restarting the app and the level doesnt help.
Both are visable in my screenshot. [attachment=-1]uploadfromtaptalk1394476498557.jpg[/attachment]
[quote=“Lisp”]Was playing last night and one of my summoned spirits was sideways, and wouldnt do anything. He would follow me, but wouldnt attack. Sacrificing him got rid of him.
Another thing, if my hire dies, and i go to the main menu and rehire him, 9/10 he becomes grayed out as if hes dead. I cant open his inventory or allocate stat points for him until he dies and i can revive him. Restarting the app and the level doesnt help.
Both are visable in my screenshot. [attachment=-1]uploadfromtaptalk1394476498557.jpg[/attachment]
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using Tapatalk[/quote]
The bug is fixxed for the next patch if I’m right, Staff was already warned about it but nice job