Battle Arena Crafts Analysis; And What is Your Favorite Craft?

@dickwad I have been thinking of Set Affix combinations, but haven’t gotten into the actual crafting part of things. been letting the ideas percolate in the :brain: so I have less work to do later when I start planning things out before Crafting.

I’m kind of stuck between the tips from the Immortal Build Reveal and my ideas for a fun, tough, different, winning Battle Arena Build. 42 spaces for Affixes can really narrow down a Crafters Build Options!!! :confused: :confounded: :dizzy_face:

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Find balance between extreme builds. :heart_eyes:

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haha, the extreme between defending and attacking! mobility and attacking/defense! winning and losing!

eventually I hope to have 6 different PVP Builds, 2 for each Class, so when players end up fighting me, it’s a fun challenging loss for them, not a defeat of epic proportions that makes them :sob: x 100!

1 Like another great film to watch. It’s all relevant to making builds :sunglasses: @Golem . One word for you to consider is speed pal.


Let’s give @Necus a round of applause for his dedication to go to top… :open_hands::clap::clap::clap:

Are you using equivalence mythic on your Kraxor? If yes, good keep it until you can build an alchemy immortal.

Finally, we will be seeing different builds on the top…
Go go go @necus and @dickwad!


Now am ma back again :boredparrot:


Go go go Warlord @HawkEye!

You both climb faster than me.
You mind sharing us shortclips :movie_camera: of your fights to the top? Those will definitely motivate our western buddies to come for the top.

We will love to see your final fights before you get to top. You showing your fight ousting my wizzard will be awesome…:muscle::sunglasses::muscle:


ah! impressive.

@Necus meet me at the top buddy. you’re almost close to the climax of real arena fight.



You guys keep the arena alive and healthy.

The arena needs more good people like you (insert your ign)

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My tank only use one mythic and that is energy. But maybe I’ll do more

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@Necus you can only use one resources mythic.


I know, but maybe I try some change


Interesting lost a match and dropped to division 4 then won the next and back near top of division 3 . I can push :heart_eyes:


You can push. I believe you are…

Hey Homie!

I hope my ai does not make you fall asleep. How’s my settings?

@NUIQUE LOL haha. is that @Mr_Scooty’s shadow without Meteor. :smile:

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I dedicate that build to @Mr_Scooty plus my taste of OH Special. I hope you liked it and so will the others.

Do you see any storm from it.?

What playing 1v1 pvp today and I noticed at one point I had 9 furies in action :heart_eyes: Some blue and the others a strange off colour semi transparent green with a off colour tinge. Baffled :sunglasses: But they where all attacking the opponent.

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And I noticed something about time warp is that it’s colour changes with Each cast as though it’s nature is somehow different. :thinking: Ahhh it’s pet set bonus that’s doing it. Look :sunglasses:

. I had to figure it out someday :sunglasses:

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Enough tips :joy: Nice to play @Bizarro_Stormy at last. Great arena guide.