What do you mean by this @kiane_zaine @Mr_Scooty and more." Legit builder created. My best hit in battle arena league.
Wow" plsss be share your build with me" @HawkEye that’s a great test build with you" you and @kiane_zaine are most powerfull rouge in div1.
@DARKBOOKS No way I’m not share with you latter on. this is a secret weapon of LORD_ZORO. take a few month. Just search any details with (Burst DMG) … AUZLEF and FAIRYTAIL created the burst dmg. so keep it up and talk about that any way:ok_hand:
i can smell the new meta is coming
Hhahah magaling na teacher yan si sir Hawk nag papa mentoring nga ako sa warrior ngayon sakanya eh @olkyora push in divission1 1v1 eternal league i wait you come to join pal.
pa level pa ako kaka benta ko lang ng lvl road to ethernal yung apat at dalawa na yung nasa ethernal at max heroic point na balik ako sa pvp tapos ko mag farm hahahhah
Teach me sir an exactly build on your zoro.
I can share it for a public soon.
TY sir. @HawkEye
im exited to see it soon dude
I like it.
With an exactly like zoro’s build i’m so exited to share them to all.
@SPARTANS @MAGDALO @olkyora You need to experement build with @kiane_zaine this build most likely withen @HawkEye storm burst build.
I like that.