Challenging Content, what should be next?

Fog of War. You can only see a short distance around the character. Minimap can still be used as a guide tho.

Like that style =D perhaps add new monster that can blind(sight distance shortened) players? :slight_smile:

Anyway i got 2 suggestion:

  1. Add new “monster” call Totems, is an object that stand on the ground(fix won’t move) which it can boost enemy stat, just like an aura to monster and some totem may have debuff player stat ability(etc: slowness, slow regeneration, losing defense/resist and so on …)

reference from Path of Exile features:

  1. Make new act that mob resist arcane? Since that we got Resist elemental map except arcane :wink: or you purposely don’t want make a Resist Arcane act just for arcane dmg advantage? :open_mouth:

Special maps for boss rushes with their having Legendary mob affixes. I can take down the floor 200 boss in about 20 seconds from start to finish, this being on the Legendary difficulty with dropped equipment. Fighting stronger bosses one on one, fighting a boss horde of the same type, a boss map with a horde of each boss, etc. etc. The bosses are so under-appreciated, especially with Cartographer maps being the only levels available at 201+.

It would be cool to see unique maps like in POE, a good example would be “The Coward’s Trial” which would be a closed off space where you fight ever increasing amount of units for x amount of rounds and eventually a boss spawns with a guaranteed unique drop (or in this case eternal). Any kind of unique map that differs from the standard find the cartographer would be great.

Slightly zoom out the screen?
For better viewing

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[quote=“bdblynken”]Slightly zoom out the screen?
For better viewing

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And then another +1.

+1 and another +1 for PoE players :smiley:

Maybe a new Ancient items which are black

Feature suggestion:
I would like extra features on the minimap.

If you ricochet a 180 degree into a big room, usually the monsters arent spawned yet, but the props and chests are, so you end up hitting and opening all props/chests, but later you have to find and pick up the drops, and often props/chests are close to the wall, with the drops being dropped inside the inside the walls, where its difficult to see them.

I would like a dot on the minimap where a crystal, mythstone, item or pet was dropped. Have settings to turn them on/off.
Suggestions for dot colours on the minimap:
Crystals - blue dot
Mythstones - purple dot
Legend/crystal/eternal item - red dot
Pet - green dot
Regular item - yellow dot
Optional: Also show shrines, e.g. with a star.

Feature suggestion:
I would like to be able to scroll the minimap. I have purchased the reveal all maps to be able to spot the cartographer, but I can’t see enough of the map to see, where to go, so I have to run down corridors until other areas of the map become visible. I can’t say if it is screen resolution dependent (I use Samsung Galaxy S5).

Feature suggestion:
There seems to be no incentive reward at all for “really completing” a map say by killing all monsters on a map, opening all chests on a map, picking up all loot from a map, destroying all props on a map. When you are in the lvl 201+ maps, the current game rules makes it more worthwhile to either just spam shrines with a mythic hunter ring, or run straight to the cartographer and start next map when he’s dead (the shop also refreshes the purchasable mythstone/crystals when he’s dead). Only on legend maps is there a small incentive to clear the entire map (small chance of better crystal/mythstone drop). If you spend time killing all monsters on a non-legend lvl 201+ map, then you are “wasting” your game time as you aren’t getting enough items/crystals/hero points/experience for the time spent compared to spending your time just rushing the cartographer.

When you kill the cartographer, the mega chest spawns. If you made that reward smaller, say a gold chest, it would diminish the incentive to just rush the cartographer. If you also awarded a gold chest for say killing all monsters on a map or all props on a map, then you give a further incentive to explore/complete each map.

Feature suggestion:
The current purchasable mythstone boost or crystal boost are just not worth it. I saved up 10 legend maps and purchased the crystal boost from the shop. Then only killed the monsters in the legend maps until 1000 had been killed. Result: Not a single lvl 13+ crystal and barely a noticeable increase of the total amount of the lvl 1-12 crystals.
When I compare the price of an extra character slot, the permanent automap reveal and the mythstone/crystal boost, the mythstone/crystal boost just seems like robbing the players. Price compared to reward just makes it not worth it and I can’t recommend it to anyone. I can recommend purchasing the extra character slot or the permanent automap reveal though, so to anyone who hasn’t yet purchased them, go do so :wink:

I am not asking for pay to win as that can totally destroy a game, however a new player starting in 1.8 has no chance of getting the crystals required for crystal enchanting by farming (honest opinion here). As a gaming company, you rely on the paying players to pay for salaries and servers, not the free riders. If you made the crystal/mythstone boost better, I could see a reason to make another purchase, but not the way it is right now. Being a developer myself, I try to spend a few bucks on games that catch my attention and where I devote a lot of my free time, and I know there are others like me out there, and that we support games like these. However, now that I have purchased the extra character slot and permanent map reveal, what other income options do you have from me? None as it is right now. I can say that what I would consider spending money on is small features which cut down on boring aspects of the game, without overpowering the player. In that regard, crystals/mythstones/eternals are the limiting factors, but the current boosts available are just not enough.
You might consider introducing a virtual currency, where say bosses/epics/cartographers have a chance of dropping 1 in X kills and that currency can be used to randomly change an affix on an eternal item. The virtual currency would also be purchasable. The virtual currency might also be able to purchase a guaranteed lvl 13+ crystal/mythstone. This way the freeriders have access to the virtual currency, and the players who want to cut down the boring farming time have access to cut it down using money without getting an overpowered pay to win solution. You could even have a daily login reward which gave a few of the virtual currency - many other games have this.

Feature suggestion:
Do something to balance the crystal difference between 1.7 players and 1.8 players. I know this is controversial and particularly 1.7 players might be against it, but the problem is you nerfed crystals so much in 1.8 that 1.8 players hit a DPS wall where it becomes very very timeconsuming to progress. How about 1.7 crystals being unusable in 1.8 gear? Or 1.7 crystals can be converted to 1.8 crystals with a 100:1 ratio? I know this can cause outrage between 1.7 players with 100+ obsidian/amethyst/rubies but as it is right now, your player base is divided between 1.7 and 1.8 players. Where does your current and future revenue come from? I would expect it to be the new 1.8 players purchasing at least an extra character slot and potentially also the permanent map reveal or a skin change. I expect old 1.7 players already made those purchases and if not, they’re not going to.
I recommended this game to friends and family when I first started out, but I have stopped doing so after hitting “the DPS wall” where the progress options available to a 1.8 player becomes too tedious and timeconsuming.

I will try and pinpoint the balancing problem:
From the leader boards, I am:
Rank 154 on the experience board
Rank 211 on the hero points board
Rank 5729 on the highest DPS board <- this is the wall
Rank 450 on the legends found board
Rank 9999 on the highest floor board <- this is the wall
Rank 5465 on the highest EHP board <- this is the wall

I put in somewhere between 200-300 hours and have gotten to lvl 426 EP5 map but keep dying too much now. Strategy is instead to try and spawn mythic monster eternal drops using the hunter ring on shrines. The problem right now is that the expansion paths to choose from are too steep in terms of required effort (game time) compared to rewards (better items to enhance DPS or EHP). The problem is the DPS, which requires the highest crystals for crystal/set/legend affixes. My current total stash of crystals having also done the crystal salvage/convert feat on all lvl 1, 3, 6 amounts to 4,25 worth of obsidians if I converted everything. If I read the forum correctly, that’s maybe not even enough to ensure that I can get even 1 crystal affix like I want it on just 1 item. 200-300 game hours (and I play efficiently) and not a good chance of getting just 1 affix on 1 item right? That’s not even mentioning the set/legend affixes which would also require a lot of attempts. Something is wrong here.
You balanced the difficulty to 1.7 players, so the highlevel maps / high enemy power are a challenge for 1.7 players (at least I think so), but the 1.8 players have no viable expansion options when they hit “the DPS wall” where I am at. The random drop of legend/crystal enhanced/eternal objects can get you here, but after that, the only viable next expansion path is to farm eternals which takes a lot of time and have no guarantee of a usable item. Crystal enchantment is simply out of reach.

[quote=“Brextor”]Feature suggestion:
I would like extra features on the minimap.

I would like a dot on the minimap where a crystal, mythstone, item or pet was dropped. Have settings to turn them on/off.
Suggestions for dot colours on the minimap:
Crystals - blue dot
Mythstones - purple dot
Legend/crystal/eternal item - red dot
Pet - green dot
Regular item - yellow dot
Optional: Also show shrines, e.g. with a star.[/quote]
would be nice… but probably too much on maps with +packsize
still would like to see at least crystal/eternal on a minimap. coz i got the feeling i’m missing them pretty much often

I will try and pinpoint the balancing problem:
From the leader boards, I am:
Rank 154 on the experience board
Rank 211 on the hero points board
Rank 5729 on the highest DPS board <- this is the wall
Rank 450 on the legends found board
Rank 9999 on the highest floor board <- this is the wall
Rank 5465 on the highest EHP board <- this is the wall

I put in somewhere between 200-300 hours and have gotten to lvl 426 EP5 map but keep dying too much now. Strategy is instead to try and spawn mythic monster eternal drops using the hunter ring on shrines. The problem right now is that the expansion paths to choose from are too steep in terms of required effort (game time) compared to rewards (better items to enhance DPS or EHP). The problem is the DPS, which requires the highest crystals for crystal/set/legend affixes. My current total stash of crystals having also done the crystal salvage/convert feat on all lvl 1, 3, 6 amounts to 4,25 worth of obsidians if I converted everything. If I read the forum correctly, that’s maybe not even enough to ensure that I can get even 1 crystal affix like I want it on just 1 item. 200-300 game hours (and I play efficiently) and not a good chance of getting just 1 affix on 1 item right? That’s not even mentioning the set/legend affixes which would also require a lot of attempts. Something is wrong here.
You balanced the difficulty to 1.7 players, so the highlevel maps / high enemy power are a challenge for 1.7 players (at least I think so), but the 1.8 players have no viable expansion options when they hit “the DPS wall” where I am at. The random drop of legend/crystal enhanced/eternal objects can get you here, but after that, the only viable next expansion path is to farm eternals which takes a lot of time and have no guarantee of a usable item. Crystal enchantment is simply out of reach.[/quote]

dps and ehp ranking lists are very relative…

  1. many lines in there taken by non-playable characters… for example fully glasscannon char would be in a first hundred in that top but in the same time it would be 1-shot by any random monster. same with ehp. Full TANK (with hundreds of millions EHP) could get very high in EHP rankings but in the same time unable to play because of very low damage for example.
    For example I am in top100exp, top100heropoints, top100Legendaryfound and in the same time i am only at 250th-ish in DPS ranking and 130th-ish in EHP. Some builds will never get very high in there.
    2)DPS numbers itself are also very relative. if your stats tab says that you do lets say 10m per second it doesnt mean that you do exactly 10mil/s. I believe thats an average of your potential hits over certain ammount of time on a single target. that number will be perspectively right when you fight a boss. mostly farming isnt fighting against bosses. thats why i’d suggest you not to worry about that DPS and EHP rankings…
  2. I am also a 1.8 player. started about mid-February. in the very beginning i was also finding high level monsters oneshotting me too often. now i’ve changed my point of view. Certain combinations of sets and “2x+2set rankings - nadroji or topMS” will grant you huge damage reduction. All you need is to find a combo suitable for your gamestyle. i clearly remember single normal monster one-shotting me at lvl300ep6, and now they can barely scratch me at lvl500ep8. Good combo of crystal and set affixes will def-ly solve all your problems
    4)it’d be really nice if admins could clear all those TOPs from cheaters time-to-time. some numbers there are absolutely ridiculous. and it would be also very nice to make that top from characters uploaded to the server. not just tap&update.
    ps. dont try to get ready for your enchanting first and do it after. try to make it stem by step. start with adding a crystal affixes to all the items you want (it will be very good for you if you decide on your set affixes before you do it). Every single crystal affix will give you a huge boost in terms of farming capabilities. just try.
    pps. w8 for the update b4g you do it )) gl&hf

[quote=“tdaniel”]We totally hear you on the multiplayer end of things. It is a HUGE task for our team to undertake but we are not ignoring it! We hope by adding new, more challenging content we can engage players while we work on even more exciting systems and updates for DQ.

Thank you for taking the time to post, and thank you for your support![/quote]

I would want to see a better IAP store because i really want to support this all time favorite game so please work on that if u guys can

The endless dungeon sounds awesome, it can be a farming map or just wanted to test your limits :smiley:

I would like to suggest buffing the AI and skills of the pets.

  1. Imp
    The only thing this pet likes are equips that you cannot carry(inventory full) or the equips you dont want(via option). Some of us wanted Legend+ equips and just sells the not legend ones, including the Imp drop. My suggestion is that the imp drops its own version of equips(“Imp Sword”, “Imp Amulet”) that has higher selling cost than any gear on its level. I would definitely want an Imp in every farm maps.

  2. Fairy
    This pet is a lifesaver in every stage of the game, mostly from the fact that it heals you for half of your HP. But as the game progress and stronger mobs are inevitable, there will be a time where 1 second is all it takes before you go R.I.P. sadface. My suggestion is remove the cast time and cast range of Wish and damage reduction for a little seconds, you can keep the cooldown as fairies have to rest too you know. A Fairy is like free potion pseudo-infinite, and that is awesome!

  3. Hound
    The coin addict puppy, my favorite of them all. Its easy to gain Hero points for this dog digs coins in the ground and suddenly you have already gained X amount of gold. One this is clear though, the dog sometimes do not fetch the gold on the floor and the ones that are inside of hills. If its not much, increase the response of the Fetch skill to get coins faster. What is better than a doge? BETTER DOGE!

I hope my suggestions arent that much, I am very addicted to this game and I am blown away. Please accept my Outrageous Thanks to the Devs.

i just hope that the next patch. wont make my crafted items a scrap :smile:

Exp currency post level 100. Buying things from the merchant with excess exp points past level 100.

Lots of new pets.

Lots of new monsters.

New elements and environments. Holy/Darkness

New class
New pet
New feats
New costumes
New wings

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I really hope PvP mode would be added, it will definitely make DQ more perfect.
Hope you can consider my suggestions. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t seem to find the map thread… where did it go?

Anyways, map affixes:

Surprise props - props spawn a pack of baddies when destroyed.
Filled with junk - increases the props in current map

+1 on surprise props.

[quote=“ocenyx”]Can’t seem to find the map thread… where did it go?

Anyways, map affixes:

Surprise props - props spawn a pack of baddies when destroyed.
Filled with junk - increases the props in current map[/quote]
For me a yes would like to see it! So +1

Imagine increase props plus high tnt props… :smiley: