Dickwads guide to block and dodge in arena

that is so Evil! Genius Level Evil! :+1:

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It’s evil but not overpowering. And I die a lot :stuck_out_tongue:

that is besides the point. Ricochet puts out so many bullets that the chances of them having a trio of Torrents land on them goes up.

That is so Evil! Genius Level Evil! :+1:

if there was a way to improve your survival a little bit more, the Cerebral Vortex part of the build would be that much more effective. a resist Stun & Freeze could help, if there was space for it.

Epic Genius Level Evil! :+1:

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I don’t get it. CV works on getting hit. I also don’t understand why it’s genius. But I will accept the compliment :heart_eyes:

well, it was the combination of using the Timewarp with CV to improve survival while improving the chance to drop some Torrents on the unsuspecting Rogue Camper.

I thought of using Timewarp to get close and kill the camper, but I tend to have more ideas than I have resources to make the ideas a reality in the Arena. plus that would be a new play style I would have to learn while fighting.

right now I am still trying to convince myself that a Discordance + Spell Sword + Gauntlet Farm Build is a good idea. I have a framework of which affixes I want to use, it is making sure I have the right ones and that they all fit. I got 7 items from the LegendEx to do an experimental version of the Build to see if it is worth spending a bunch of resources on it, but got distracted by Climbing to floor 1300 M3, 10 floors to go.

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When I first started making builds I wanted to make a pacifist build where your enemy kills themselves. Maybe it’s possible.

a Cerebral Vortex, Overload, & Reflect DMG PVP Build with good Heal & DMG Reduction with low Dodge/Block. add Terrashaper if you want to keep close to the enemy when they hit you, so they can get hit with Earthshatter also.

the Reflect DMG would be the continuous DMG and the other three would give spike DMG when they get activated. Shock or Ice Element with some Electrified and/or Permafrost Sets would be nice for a Build like this. Defiant for sure. maybe Deadly Arts with Deadly Strike for more Damage Reduction.

this build would have a hard time against campers that have the same type of build, I would think.

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Thankyou its so good knolege you haved🧠 i’ll try it soon when me he get more resourceful am foor now but take it easy i do my best to test it. If i well back on farming time right now i’m BC on arena league. So thank’s again for geving clue about that. Goodbless you @dickwad Lee


Permafrost hat with active bonus. Blood magic ring. Cosmic power. Time warp. Start there.