Dodge or Block

Rouges can still die with a Perma-Stealth Build, just not very often. it’s all about timing.

Warriors can still die with a +100% Block Build, just not very often. it’s all about Bulwark activating when you need it.

Wizards could do a +75% Block & +75% Dodge using Epiphany Set (5) with Sanctuary Mythic. after all that, using Crowd Control and/or Movement of some kind to keep from getting hit. this is the best that can be done for Wizards. or make a huge damage build to kill the monsters before they kill you… in my early days, I used +60% Dodge, +45% Block, Sanctuary, and Teleport to stay alive. I kind of want to go back to Teleport as part of my defense for staying alive & mobility. you could use Continuity 20 Talent to slow enemies movement and attack speed while in Timewarp AoE, or Continuity 40 to basically freeze them while in the Timewarp AoE (I’ve done this for testing, and it’s fun to move around enemies and hit them while they are facing the wrong way…).

here’s a couple of posts about the Perma Stealth & +100% Block.