Equality + Energy

So they more Equal my HP/MP are at the time a skill hits its increasing my DMG by
if i have 10k HP and 5 k MP = 50%
but what is if i only have 4k MP out of 5K max MP (lets say i use a primary skill with energy(10%))
and my HP would only be 5k out of 10k max HP how would it be calculated now ?

5k hp/4k mp = 80% equality i think

In simpler way:
If both your bars on top left are equally full, then they are 100% equal. Doesn’t matter if you have 100kk hp max and 1mp max.

For example you have 10000 max hp and 5000 max mp. They are both 100% full so they are 100% equal. Now you got hit for 5000 hp. You now have 5000/10000 hp and 5000/5000 mp = you have 50% hp and 100% mp = 50% equality.
For equality you have hp and mp in % values, they are not compared by how close your hp and mp amount is.

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@Msiiek thanks dude now is clarified

Equality is based on raw values as seen in the equality formula in the dictionary. You are confusing it with equivalance which uses current values as it automatically equalizes max hp n mp pool.

Assuming you are talking about Max pools then yes.

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@Clogon thanks

so inorder to have 100% equality the raw values of hp and mp should be the same ex: 1000hp/1000mp

Never tested it but codex says:
Inceases DMG and All Regen by 7.5% per rank of your HP/MP equality %

The same is on item Equality description so, descritpion is wrong or it compares by % values.

Ok, nevermind I understand it. It’s not comparing current hp/mp but max hp/mp so the description is ok.

So this is correct:

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I never should have made that thread :joy:
Im still quiet confused so its all about the what Equalit now means is it about the max values like 10K MAX HP 10K MAX MP = 100%,or like the current amount of resources i have ?
And what happens if i only have 5000HP/10000-MAX-HP and same for MP ??? :disappointed_relieved:
@Clogon @Msiiek ?

Max values compared in % so, if you have

  1. 5000/5000 hp and 4000/4000mp you have 80% euqality.
  2. 5000/5000 hp and 5000/5000 mp is 100% equality
  3. 2000/5000 hp and 3000/5000 mp is 100% equality

Ty @Msiiek finally i understand it :blush:

Equality is always a % as it is a ratio. That is why it is called the “equality %”. “HP/MP equality %” is not the same thing as “Current HP/MP % equality”.

Thank you for pointing out this bit of confusion.

Here is a taste of the upcoming description and dictionary changes. Please tell me if they are easier to understand (These were done before this thread was created.):

[code]Equality Increases DMG and All Regen (rank)% of your Total HP/MP Equality %

Equivalence Balances out your Mana Resource system. Averages your total HP and MP to the same value. Reduces Damage taken and Resource Cost by 60% of your current HP/MP Equality %, Only 1 Resource sytem effect will be active[/code]


much more understandable info. like it

Odd, @Msiiek , because you told me the opposite in a different thread…

He misunderstood the effect before.

Yes sorry :frowning:

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so to put it simply. how is the detailed formula for equality? 1000hp/1000mp=100%equality, so having 1000hp/1mp=1000%equality? or is it 500hp/1000hp max(at 50%hp) divided by 200mp/1000mp max(at20%mp)= give you (50%hp/20%)=250%equality?

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I think this is is how to Equality set works: if you manage to get 1000 HP and 1000 MP, that’s 100% equality. Since it gives 37.5%+ extra dmg , this means at 100% equality, it’s guaranteed 37.5% extra dmg. Of course to get 100% Equality easily, the Equivalence set is for that and I think that was the intentions for that mythic in its inception. Also at 100% equality means guaranteed 37.5%+ regen. That means 1000 MP regen get multiplied by 1.375.

Even if you’re 90% equality, it’s good. If you have 26k hp but 52k MP, that’s 50% equality meaning the 37.5% dmg boost turns into 18.75% dmg and regen buff.

Equivalence reduces dmg by 60% but only when you’re at full HP and full MP and not taken any dmg as of yet. If you have 50% hp taken off you , then the Equivalence set reduces dmg by 30% or 45% instead of 60%. Also the mythic works so if you have 100k HP and 10k MP, it equalises so you have 100k HP and MP , give or take.

Equality is quite a good set for sure , especially in a build that uses Equivalence. Can be good in PvP.

Just wanted to remind you that Equality only increases MH damage :confused: don’t know if it is a bug or the description is wrong.

Yeah that is weird. I mean if adventurer , defiant and pathfinder increase all dmg, equality should do the same too.