The GDPR goes into effect on May 2018 and it has an impact on how you will play our games going forward and how we will share information with you. We have been working for the last few weeks to update not only Dungeon Quest, but our forums, as well as creating all the tools we need to be compliant with GDPR.
If you want to know what GDPR is and how it could effect you please check out this website. A quick breakdown: If you live in the EU companies must get your explicit consent to use/store personal data. ShinyBox does not track our players locations so we have to treat every account as if it were an account created in the EU (European Union).
We have updated our privacy policy as well as provided a “how we use your data” section which you can find here: Shiny Box Data Privacy FAQ.
We cannot provide any access to the DQ Account system for our users until they consent to sharing their data with us. If you do not consent to allowing us to use your email address and DQ account information we cannot provide you with the ability to back up your save game for Dungeon Quest.
You also have the right to request that we delete your personal information. We can do this, but it cannot be reversed on our end. All of your save game data will be erased from our DQ Account system and we will not be able to restore that information.
If you are using a hacked/edited/modified version of our game to avoid consent your save game data WILL BE DELETED. The only way we can ensure our company is adhering to these regulations is by making sure all of our players provide us with consent to use their information. If a edited version of our game avoids that consent the only recourse we have is to completely delete your data. THIS CANNOT BE REVERSED!
Over the next few days updated versions of our game will be released on each platform. This will take several days to complete and in the mean time you may not be able to access the DQ Account system until you have the most updated version of our game.
We cannot control the speed in which our app update is released. This is 100% controlled by the App stores and they are all slammed right now with app updates from developers all over the world. It is not the best scenario, but we do not have a choice in the matter.
If you have any questions at all please feel free to email,, or DM me.