Help Me

Only gems I truly run out of is calcite, diamond and larmiar… I’m not about to farm floor 50 lol I have to salvage my higher gems :man_facepalming:t4:

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what else can I do with 4k fluorite? To the salvage yard!! :crazy_face:


u guys looks like master grinders :joy:

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My first ascension in rogue has come. I need tips suggestion or guides. I chose dealer to help speed up progress


I never gave the rouge the love she deserved :broken_heart: by the time I made one I was already over floor 1k. You should buy crystal stash tho!


Whyd you separate the crystal…
They look like a whole pie with a rat chippin away some bits xD
Yep get some stash bro this will help you manage your bags


@Arcadios07 you know you have the potential with that amethyst gem to get a game changing set piece for PvE “Crushing Flames” it chews thru everything. I have to admit the odds are not on your side to roll it! Pray to the RNG gods :pray:


on what item should use it?

It can be put on any item you want, jus use kyanit to remove 1 set then use that gem. If you dont use fire then dont worry about trying and jus save it for later. On a good note a guy jus taught me how to get 95 block% I wasted so many gems for nothing :sob:

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I used an epic bow and disemchanted it. I putted the amethyst

Its ok if I make noob decision bcoz I just started and its ok to try right?

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Wow how lucky! That’s a keeper! I got a good laugh from that :rofl: Make sure you get plenty of crushing blow and some immolate! I’ve been using crushing flames since I’ve got my very first piece! I’ve played for years and I’m still a noob smh


I miss my wizard😂

I dont actually play as the wizard, he’s my hireling. I play as the warrior. My wizard has 100 glass cannon and 30 empowered, he only has 1hp but his firepower should be measured in Kelvins! It only cost 10k to resurrect him if they do manage to kill him. I run around as the warrior max block, dodge, speed, itemdrop and luck/goldfind. He couldn’t kill a kitten but mobs can rarely can touch him.


I wonder why this message pops up when I load the game up?

that is what i do too when i am farming! I convert the crystal and eternal items that I loot then convert the legend items to dust. When I collect atleast 1k dust, I buy eternal items at legendex and convert it to crystals. But unfortunately, when I collected enough ultra high rare crystals, I just craft items whenever I have in mind until I run out of crystals then I farm and farm again! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

You can never have enough Crystal’s, the RNG in this game can be unforgiving, I blowed 50 Ruby’s trying to make a PvP set :man_facepalming:t4:

If you are using a warrior, you can have a 55% block! 45% block cyan affix and using a shield adds 10% block. If you want a higher block chance, you have to use epiphany set to increase the caps for stats. Using epiphany(5) can increase the stat cap to 75%. It is true that you can only roll block on OH, but there some warrior gears that have block affix like inferno helm, permafrost ring, indra’s boon armor, lederer’s lance MH and gelid smasher MH. To get cyan affix block on it, all you have to do is using your farming build, craft the items above on legendex until you got cyan block affix.