Help on my first build

Barrage and timewarp with cosmic power. Timewarp increases barrages damage as does cosmic power.

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Is there any wiki for those stones? I couldn’t find it.

I started using the mythic rockblast, but dont know if there’s another one better for that combination. U also said dodge

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Max block and dodge and you get big and killed less

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What is sanctuary?

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Which stones/crystals I use to make that skill?

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read the Codex, it has a lot of information. much of the Codex was updated recently.

Set Affixes (Green) can have their Rank improved by…

  1. multiple items with the same Set. 6 Items with Equality Set will be Equality (6).
  2. +All Sets. either Items with the Legend All Set (can’t be rolled with Ruby) or the Myth Stone with All Set, or a combination of both. the max for these is +4.
  3. with Set Affixes on Items and +All Sets, the max is Set Affix (8). 4 Items with Equality and +4 All Sets will give Equality (8).

Normal (Yellow) and Epic (Orange) affixes can be rolled with Angelite.
Epic (Orange) affixes can also be rolled with Topaz.
most Legend (Red) affixes can be rolled with Ruby. the rest can only be found on looted Items.
many Set (Green) affixes can be rolled with Amethyst. some can only be rolled on certain Classes, and the rest can only be found on looted Items.
Crystal (Cyan) affixes can be rolled with Obsidian. Legend/Eternal Items have a chance to be found with Crystal affixes.
Mythic (Purple) affixes can be placed on Items by placing a recipe of 4 Myth Stones on Items with Sockets.

not sure how updated this is, but the Wiki has a lot of helpful info.

this should help you with many of your Crystal questions.

this is an old Post, but it has lot’s of helpful info for new players.

hope this helps a little.


Oh man this is a nightmare :joy::joy::joy:
Don’t know we’re to start. Can’t understand the information at that codex. Don’t know how to start. Didn’t find the stones description… :sob::sob::sob:


Same for me at first it very difficult to make your own build but I try to understand all the enchantment(affix) first from crystal to mythstone combination and after that i segregate the affix that can fit perfectly to my character (rouge) first because some of enchantment is not good for your character.


Codex > Dictionary > Affixes, Crystals, Mythics (Mythic Affixes), Myth Stones, Natures, Sets. there are other things in the Dictionary that can help understand other parts of DQ.

Codex > LegendEx & Eternals. this is a list of Legend & Eternal Items & Pets, and it explains where and how you can find Items as loot, or how much Dust it costs to unlock and purchase them.

Codex > Mythics. this is a list of the Mythic Affixes, which items they can be placed on, and which combination of 4 Myth Stones you need to Craft them. every time you use a Myth Stone, take a MS off of an Item, or change a MS to a lower or higher MS, you have a chance to reveal part of a recipe for a Mythic, until you reveal them all.

Codex > Feats. this is a list of ‘Quests’ that can be completed for rewards and Hero Experience for Skill Points to improve your Skills.

no worries, when I first started playing DQ, I didn’t understand much either, I just killed monsters and used random Items as I found them. eventually I started paying attention to the Codex, Item descriptions, and Searching :mag: the Forums for help and tips. and then played some more and kept learning. I am still learning new things as I make new Builds and try to find answers for questions from new players.


Sorry the late response. I’m farming more stones here (don’t know how to call it). While I’m into that, I notice that the Rockblast at my wand, my character throws multiple giant balls direct at the enemy…put other additional skills in red, just to gain more time


Twister Proc is a good addition, as it will pull monsters into the Twister, which means Rock Blast can hit more targets bunched together.

Summon DMG only increases damage for summoned minions. replace with Epic +100% WD.

Reflect DMG is good if an enemy attack doesn’t kill you first. on higher floors, Reflect Damage & Redirect Mythic, with Dodge & Block, means you can Reflect damage when you Dodge & Block, without getting hit. better to replace with +15% Crit Chance if it isn’t up to +60% yet, or Epic +5000 WD. or even Epic +15% Attack Speed. or Epic +15% Cool Down so your Twister Proc has a chance to Proc more often than every 5 seconds. CD also affects Rock Blast.


What is epic 100%wd? Is that the full name?

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Its the Orange fonted “+100% Weapon Damage” Affix.

As seen here:


thx @LK_Stradmore :smile: !

many posters use shorthand versions of some affixes so that it doesn’t take forever to write a post. this is very useful for posters who write out their Builds instead of using a snapshot like Stradmore did in the previous post, or when asking questions about many affixes at once.


Hi there, try this proc build im using.


nice build. and you got +60% Cool Down. bet you melt your enemies.

what floor are you up to?

Im on floor 3k but i haven’t played it anymore.The last time i played it was 2 year ago.

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I tried one of those Items that had 4 Wizard Spell Procs on it. it was kind of fun with all the DPS, but it made me think of using Proc’s that work well together on a focused Build, instead of Procs that are all over the place. for me at least.

welcome back @anon23573700 !.


How does an Energy Mythic works?

Its a resource system for mana.

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