How did you find Dungeon Quest? Opinions wanted!

Another vote for offline. I Googled offline rpgs and found it recommended in a forum.

I also appreciated it wasn’t a huge download, data caps SUCK.

I’ve been amazed I can get so much playtime out of something I play offline on an ipad with just tapping as a controller. Great use of brainwork for min/maxing fun - no tech hardware requirements or constant datasucking downloads to take advantage of that. I also like your use of IAPs. They are not required to have fun, but the are cheap enough to indulge.

Great, exactly what we were going for :smile:. We have so many requests for different features (multiplayer is the largest) that would compromise some of the great things about our game.

For example multiplayer. This should be obvious, but that would nullify the offline portion of our game (for that multiplayer feature…not the whole game). It could also add X amount of size to our game which could further limit our player base.

We try to keep a balance between new fresh features while staying true to the experience we want our game to provide. As we move beyond patch 1.8 it will be an interesting thing to watch play out with our user base for sure.

Please release the 1.8 pretty good im exited

We’re working on it :smile: Patches release as soon as we’re done.

[quote=“tdaniel”]Great, exactly what we were going for :smile:. We have so many requests for different features (multiplayer is the largest) that would compromise some of the great things about our game.

For example multiplayer. This should be obvious, but that would nullify the offline portion of our game (for that multiplayer feature…not the whole game). It could also add X amount of size to our game which could further limit our player base.

We try to keep a balance between new fresh features while staying true to the experience we want our game to provide. As we move beyond patch 1.8 it will be an interesting thing to watch play out with our user base for sure.[/quote]
About the multiplayer comprimising the offline play…

You could consider following the way Diablo2 did. Single player(offline) characters were stored on your pc. Multiplayers characters were stored on outsourced servers.

Even if server storage isn’t a financial option, sp and mp characters could be stored seperately allowing for a choice of offline or online play.

I would think the DQ staff thought of this already, but wanted to mention it just in case [emoji4]

Evolution or Extinxtion

Ryim 99 Rogue
RyimScaith 81 Warrior
Rym 61 Wizard
Riym 58 Rogue

You could consider following the way Diablo2 did. Single player(offline) characters were stored on your pc. Multiplayers characters were stored on outsourced servers.[/quote]

At this point it would be a monumental task to add online multiplayer to DQ, so much so that we could have made a new game in same amount of time…

You could consider following the way Diablo2 did. Single player(offline) characters were stored on your pc. Multiplayers characters were stored on outsourced servers.[/quote]

At this point it would be a monumental task to add online multiplayer to DQ, so much so that we could have made a new game in same amount of time…[/quote]
So… You’re saying… DQ2!? :wink:

You could consider following the way Diablo2 did. Single player(offline) characters were stored on your pc. Multiplayers characters were stored on outsourced servers.[/quote]

At this point it would be a monumental task to add online multiplayer to DQ, so much so that we could have made a new game in same amount of time…[/quote]
So… You’re saying… DQ2!? :wink:[/quote]
Please don’t >_< how about make it like version 2.0? :laughing:

Google. I typed best diablo clone for android. :smile: