Ideas for new patch

+1000000 for:

  • Light and Dark elements
  • Leg items
  • More props in levels (doors, bridges, etc.)
  • And, at least, 1 character slot to be purchased using gold. (Just for players who doesn’t want or like or for players who always spend their allowances for food(me)
  • More levels and new bosses
  • Increased difficulty

And, I would like to suggest my ideas, if it is already implented, well, okay. Hahaha. First, bank system that stores items including gold and can be used by every character. Due to my selfish reasons (HAHAHAHA! :laughing: ), If the player has only one character and he decided to delete it but, he put some items or gold in the bank, he can still use those when he create another character. I think its the stash? I still haven’t purchased one, so, I do not know if it can be used by every character or can be used to store gold. :confused: Second, new loading and start-up screens. Not the shiny box screen, please. I love that. <3 Third, lower the graphics on lava dungeon and ice dungeon. When I use the map on ice dungeon, I can’t see my character legend (blue dot) on the map because of the high graphics and why lower graphics on lava dungeon? Because I think its kinda bright. Haha. Fourth, a new potion that can restore both HP and MP. I think a full restore? Sounds like pokemon. Hahaha. :laughing: Fifth, character slot that can be purchased by gold. :smiley:

Btw, I would like to thank you guys for making this awesome game. You rock! <3

Stay awesome! Cheers!

Gold is already shared across characters! Also you are right on about the stash, when you get one of those you can share items between characters.

We have gotten a lot of feedback about the lava world and map interference so we will have a look at that on our end as well!

Quick question for you…what is that animated gif from?


Quick question for you…what is that animated gif from?[/quote]

Hunter X Hunter (2011 version)

Really? :open_mouth: What if, for example, I only have one character and decided to delete it, will the gold and items still be there?

Yeah. Its kinda bright. :neutral_face:

Its Hunter x Hunter. :smile: The remake version. :smiley:

Your Gold and Items in the stash will not be deleted when you delete a character :smile:

I see. Then, as long as the gold and items are in the stash, even if you only have one character it won’t be lost, right? Then, that would be great for people who doesn’t purchase in-game items or slots. :smiley:

Можно внедрить режим игры напоминающий ДоТу сильных врагов и уничтожение башен или захват, чтобы можно было загружать других реальных игроков как врагов в этот режим.