Lanth's Infernal Hybrid Build (Rogue) : PvE or PvP

Lanth’s Infernal Hybrid Build (Rogue) : PvE or PvP

This build is somehow easy to made ( I farmed this for around 5 days * school days* )

As the title says, this is a hybrid build. Which means that this is not the best build (compare to full build) for PvP and PvE.

Suggestions : If you want to make it full PvE build, Try using Frozen + Permafrost affix.


Nice build

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Useful for beginners?? What beginners will have the crystals to do that or come across such rare legends lol


Beginning to create/customize their own build.

Finally somewhere worth posting :innocent:… Shame its rogue but im bored out of my mind :smile:
Basically your a ranged fighter since you use bow, so do you need HP? And id recormend on amulet and ring, changing the +20% ED for +2All sets for a total of +8 inferno (id recommend less and using say vamperic touch and adding bleed damge into the build) substantially increasing damage.
Also on the other gear change the HP/ED% into blistering to increase damage even further.

Also test other sources of damage to increase damage further… This is a good method for higher quantities of damage and how good players deal millions>billions>trillions of damage… And if your higher in the scale of trillions then congratulations! You broke the game :joy::joy:


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll farm for more crystals. (Wish me luck :smile: )

I have a question, is vampiric touch + 1000hp per hit compatible? or does it stack?

So, I will push my damage instead of hp? thanks ^^

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It will work. Vamp touch only affects HP Regen.

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So is it efficient to use vampiric touch on my build? :question:

I think it’s nice to add it… The +2 set on both amulet and ring is really a game changer if you plan on using multiple set affix. :smile:


Will the 50% WD and 100% WD on the bow work simultaneously? I thought if both of them are on an item, only the less percentage one works

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They both work, but thats only the mythstone and legend affix, you cant have a legend and epic affix of the same thing on one piece of gear

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up. Is this build still worth? ( I left the game for almost a year ago )

Pvp has progressed too much for this… but it should still be alright to get you through the early stages of the game until you can get two elixer mythstones

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ey teacup! I missed you lol. Can you quote some late game build for rogue here? Thanks in advance!

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Have you tried adding an elixer to you ring/amulet? Idk if replacing that with one of the fire damages/percents would decrease the damage

I spent 10 years on diablo 2 doing hybrid builds and now I’m doing the same here with my Chimera build. Your build is nice. I shall pinch a few ideas

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Sorry for late reply, been a busy day… first off i spend most of my time on discord for the instant notifications to my phones lock screen:
DQ Discord Group - #48 by ObiWanKenobi

Next, here are some old builds which sould still work with some tweaking:


My rogue build. Its not exactly rogue as its more rogue using a wizard skill and discordance for best results.

The build would have been around since I first thought of this since patch 2.2 but it took me a bit to make it into reality so it came a bit later but its still a good build. More OP now. I did base it off wizard versions but used rogue advantages for discordance orb.

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I still think you should have made that as a wizard and followed similar to cronos warrior, would have made frozen more nuclear…

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Yeah but the rogue dealt way more DMG and my dream rogue discordance chakram build finally done.

Way more MH than the wizard even without timewarp , affected by mutilate for extra attack and multi attack discordance , other rogue advantages , etc.

The frozen is pretty darn nuclear and Double Strike is OP with frozen also. I remember exploiting it with arcanist before the arcanist toned down. Feels good to deal so much DMG and basically feel good.

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