Hi all,
Been playing for a week or so and overall been enjoying the game.
The very first couple of days it looked a bit chaotic and the lack of guidance was pretty obvious and slightly annoying, however I decided I’ll search bits and pieces here and there and try to understand it a little more every chance I got. That’s how I found the forum and mostly used it for searching rather than straight up spamming with newbie questions.
That said, I’ve been building a wizard around skull shield (Craniucopia) running through floors to progress fast (figured deeper floors has to mean better/rarer equipment and crystals) and using the main weapon slot mostly for improving my drops and slowing/stunning big packs (Steiger’s Fortune (ice)). Using this build I’ve reached level 95 (no ascensions yet) floor 250 at Mythic 1, so it’s been working well.
So, as I was starting to feel that I’m slowly getting a hold of how things work, an Eternal Crimson Blade drops and I’m absolutely baffled by the result of equipping it (main reason for equipping it is the multi attack affix that boosts my skullshield’s dps by a lot)… Weapon appears to be Pierce/Orb (which I’m used to from Steiger’s Fortune) but when playing wizard is casting Charge/WhirlWind ???
Why is this happening? What am I not understanding correctly? So far my understanding was that heroic skills used are determined by the weapon equipped, is that not the case? I am including a picture of my complete build and heroic skills in case i’ve done something wrong there.
Unrelated to avoid multi-posting, I would also like to ask for some tips regarding ascension since I’m pretty close to it:
- What would be the best Perk to get? After reading them all in Codex, I feel like Treasured sounds pretty good. I’ve seen some people suggesting Dealer however I’m seating on 27M gold so it sounds a strange choice. Accomplished might be interesting for Enslaver or something, and Fortunate also sounds good.
- I’ve read the exp guide for after ascension and my understanding is that it’s mostly based on using crystals/mythstones to get an OP +Exp equipment. So my question is should I delay ascension until I have the stones to craft such equipment or should I rush ascension regardless?
Thanks in advance to anyone that takes the time to help.