Patch 1.7

U use stones on maps? Why? Its cheaper to just buy a ton of maps keep the good ones and sell the rest…

you cannot find pack size affix on regular maps… ive bought several thousand. i generally try to find ones with % magic enemies, along with alot of luck/item quantity, then try to enchant pack size… its more op than you think

I dont think I understand…I am lvl99 at floor 210 on episode 5 my max out maps have 1500 max %…so what kind of maps do you have?

i buy floor 101 maps on ep 8, and then if i get one with magic enemies i enchant packsize onto it… if a normal ack of magic enemies is 5, and you have 200% pack size, each pack will have 15 blue enemies in it!

im level 99 warrior with a level 88 warrior hireling. floor level over 100 doesnt yield higher drops, it only increases base number on what an affix can roll, depending on quality %. ive gotten level 101 maps better than any floor 400 map ive ever bought.

Oh wow really?! Pretty ingenious! Does this work with epic enemies as well?

why are you targeting magic enemies? is there something with them? coz i target epic enemies to increase hero points…

magic enemies means more items total which means more ms/cs i bet

This. Hero points are useless til patch. And even then they will be increased hugely

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This. Hero points are useless til patch. And even then they will be increased hugely

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Full disclosure here: we have already been approved by amazon for release and are awaiting apple,iOS. They are very busy with all the holiday apps coming there way as soon as we get the green light from them we will release on all platforms at once so there are no server transition issues.

here’s hoping they approve it soon…

this is the longest part of waiting.

this is the longest part of waiting.

Thank you for the update tdaniel, I’m sure most people will forget to say thanks and just post " I want it NOW " or equivalent :wink:

Thank you for the update tdaniel, I’m sure most people will forget to say thanks and just post " I want it NOW " or equivalent :wink:[/quote]

+1 thanks to everyone

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ty for the update, really, REALLY, lokking forward to it :smile: